Showing posts with label pets. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pets. Show all posts

Friday, January 24, 2020

Do Dogs Know When it is Time to Say Goodbye?

No matter how much we prepare ourselves for the inevitable, it is extremely difficult to say good-bye to our furry friends. Even more difficult is making the decision as to when - do we wait a month, a week, or does it have to be today?

Rainbow bridge
Gunner's time was approaching and I prayed that he would let me know when it was time. He did. 

Around eight in the evening, he started to pace and then stand in a corner for a few minutes. He did this all night and I stayed up with him. The first vet appointment available was at three in the afternoon. As much as his human daddy wanted to be there his schedule didn't permit; I had to go alone. 

Gunner's doctor took one look at him and then back at me. There was no need for an examination. "I'll give Gunner a shot that is incredibly fast-acting. He will be gone in a matter of seconds but you can hold him as long as you want to stay with him." I did. 

Friday, November 22, 2019

How to Know When It Is Time to Say Good-bye

November is my birthday month but celebrating it has never been a priority. My mom was very ill my entire childhood and spent most of her life in bed fighting a debilitating disease. Birthday parties were out of the question. I often hoped my mom would forget my birthday so she would not have to feel guilty if she was not well enough to bake a cake or buy me a present.

Consequently, I often forget my birthday if I am busy or forget to check the calendar. Yet, I love birthday celebrations and try not to forget those special days for family and friends. And even if I may forget... my family always remembers.

I often wondered:  Why don't we celebrate our mothers on our birthdays?  After all, they did all the work!
Fall is here

Friday, August 9, 2019

What Should the Penalty Be for Leaving a Dog in a Hot Car?

After rescuing a few dozen dogs, I have learned how to talk dog.  
It is an easy language to understand because dogs are commutative.  
All you have to do is to observe and listen.  They understand when you 
are sad, happy, or silly.  And they certainly know when you are planning 
on going out and leaving them alone.

Packing your suitcase for a trip is a sure trigger.  
You can hear them say, "Don't you realize that you 
will be leaving me behind?

Why can't I come with you?"

Friday, April 19, 2019

The Circle of Life is Simple and Complex

Ever notice that people say "Spring is Here!"  They also may say, "So glad winter is over!" and "Autumn is my favorite time of year."  I believe we often relate to the seasons of our lives in the same way.  Spring brings new birth after the dark days of winter.  The autumn of our lives is that time when we are slowing down but still enjoying the effects of summer, that exciting fun time of our lives.

Beautiful garden all around...and no WORK!

I especially enjoyed spring this year.  I have attempted to take a few moments each day to relax on the deck with a tall drink -- watching the dogs roll in the grass and raising their heads to smell the airwaves. It has been many years since I have had a yard allowing me to do this.  I KNOW! What did I ever do to deserve that?  The fruit trees are starting to sprout buds.  The berry bushes are bursting with new growth.  I have no clue what lurks beneath the topsoil but waiting with great anticipation.

Friday, February 15, 2019

Moving Twice in One Year -- Are You Insane?

Moving twice in one year is not something I would recommend.  Every move is major but some more major than others!  Although I purged when we moved last year, I was able to take a good look at what I was saving and purged even more this move.  

Christmas concert

It has been a whirlwind experience and took a few days to recover from.  While we were at my daughter's for a week at Christmas we got the call.  "There is an offer on your house and the sooner you can move out, the more it will be worth your while!"  In other words, an offer we couldn't refuse.  

Friday, July 20, 2018

What Were Your Best Summer Memories from Your Childhood?

As a child, summer was something you looked forward to all year long.  Longer days to play outside.  Ice cream.  The beach.  Summer Camp.  NO school.  Picnics.  Road trips to visit cousins.  Playing board games on the front porch that lasted for days.  Playing in the rain.

As an adult, summer is much different.  Working.  Working inside.  Dieting so you can fit into that bathing suit.  Taking the kids camping and being the one who does all the cooking, clean-up, planning.  Forgetting how much you enjoyed the heat when you were 90 pounds young.  Hating it now.  

Regardless, summer does have its moments and my best ones are spending time with the grands.    

"Ready to go for a walk, Gramma"                 


Friday, June 29, 2018

11 Reasons Why You Should (NOT) Have a Dog as a Pet

Do you wonder whether or not you should get a dog?  You weigh the pros and cons and think about all the work....... I am sure there are circumstances where someone does not want to have a dog in their life, but I can't imagine life without a four-legged fur baby.  Some people have stated they will never get another dog when their dog passes over the rainbow.

old dog
I have rescued over 30 dogs and when one dies it is always devastating.  They can become such a major part of your life and member of your family.  But for every dog you may lose, there are hundreds of precious ones who need a home.  For the love of dogs everywhere......if you are wondering whether you should invite a dog into your are some reasons to welcome this four-legged family member:
alarm clock dog

1.  You will no longer need an alarm clock.  Dogs have internal clocks with alarms that go off right

Friday, January 6, 2017

What Are the Different Types of Friends You Should Have?

The subject of friends is a broad one. There are many different types of friends. To a close, intimate friend you can say anything without feeling judged. You can tell your deepest secrets or desires. You can cry or laugh or get angry and you know it will not change how they feel about you.

Some of my greatest friends have been the four-legged furry ones. I have rescued over 30 dogs and have grieved deeply when they passed. They took with them many of the secrets I shared and the tears I cried - when only my dog would understand.

This is one friend I have not met but would like to know -- just by looking at his picture!

Friday, October 21, 2016

How Can Dumb Criminals Get Away With It?

When you have been married for a couple decades or more, you tend to know exactly what to say and when to say it -- to your spouse. You understand how they think and also what irritates them.  You also learn when to keep your mouth shut. It may get easier over the years but there are those moments you simply must  take the plunge.

Hubby was complaining about something insignificant.  In fact, I can't even remember what it was; but after he finished, I calmly said, "Would you like to switch jobs?"

Dead Silence.  Nothing.  Then a big smile, "No, that's O K.  I've seen your job.  I don't want it. You are awesome at all you do."

Guess that's one way to draw out a compliment!

Friday, August 19, 2016

Does Your Dog's Breath Make You Want to Run Away?

For those of you who like the lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer and the heat that goes with it -- I hope you are seriously enjoying this one.  There is little I like about summer which I shared in my post this time last year.  For a smile, read 10 Reasons Why I Would Like to Skip Summer.  This year is no different except we are not having the wild fires on the North West Coast.
Salmon fishing

What I do enjoy about summer is seeing the grandkids more often and watching them enjoy their summer activities. William loves to go fishing with his daddy and has learned all aspects of fishing including driving the boat.

Friday, August 12, 2016

Bits and Bites You May Not Need to Know

I'm sorry
My sincere apologies to all bloggers participating in Use Your Words this month. For a reason that will forever remain a mystery, I did not receive my words in time to prepare a post. The words are floating in cyberspace.  Please let me know if you see them out there.  Hopefully, this was a one-time fluke.

I am 'on the road again' and was not able to formulate a story around the words I received only yesterday.  My words are Gone ~ Mottled ~ Bleach ~ Washer ~ Paint ~ Lap and submitted by Southern Belle Charm

If I took each of these words and put them into a sentence with the first thing that popped into my head -- it would look like this:

Sorry for missing this month's post -- I was gone.  The words are gone.  I'm coming back.  Hopefully, this will never happen again.

Sunday, August 7, 2016

For Better, For Worse -- A Language a Dog Understands

When we think of the words "For better, for worse," we usually think of a marriage.  We say our vows on our wedding day proclaiming that we will never leave our spouse, no matter what happens.

But sometimes we don't follow through with those vows.  Sometimes, our spouse is abusive or falls out of love with us. Those words ring in our ears -- for better, for worse -- may be out of our control.

When we acquire a pet, how often don't we promise to take care of that pet, for better - for worse?

We fall in love with that puppy and look forward to many years of joy with him. BUT.....sometimes....

He has genetic problems and requires special care, which can be very expensive.

He will NOT stop barking.

He bites people.

He poops in the house.

He pees in the house.

He is left alone all day and then goes crazy when his owner comes home and becomes a pest, trying to gain full-on attention.

He isn't as cute as when he was a puppy.

He has a serious accident and requires special care for the rest of his life.

He won't behave properly so he is beaten and kicked or worse.

He is destructive when left alone.

Sometimes, rather than spend the time needed to restore the relationship, we give up.....and give that dog away.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

What Makes You an Expert? Can You Add to this List of 9?

Everyone is good at something.  My dad was a minister and he officiated at one man's funeral who was the 'worst' guy in town. No one had anything good to say about him.  At his funeral, my dad shared what a good whistler he was and it made people realize that each of us can be an expert at something.  

What is your expertise?

Have you noticed how many people toot their horns on social media? On any given day, you can find dozens of experts on any subject; social marketing; media strategies, blah, blah, blah.  Often that makes it difficult to know whose advice you should take.

I thought about it and realized that I, too, am an expert and I bet if you think about it, you will realize how many things you are over-the-top awesome at doing.

putting your foot in your mouth

I'm an expert in putting my foot into my mouth.  I have done it so long and so well I could write a book on it.

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Does This Make Sense To You?

I never met a dog I didn't like love.  Give me five minutes with any dog and I will create a life-long bond.  After years of rescuing dogs - over 30 so far - I can't imagine life without at least one in the house. My daughter has six at the moment - the acorn doesn't fall far....

Dogs make me laugh -- every single day.  When you learn to speak 'dog' they will tell you what you want to hear -- "I love you.  I have always loved you.  I will always love you.  Nothing else matters."

A bachelor friend of ours loves dogs as much as we do and has always maintained it is easier to date a woman and come home to his four-legged furry friend than to be married.  WHAT?

Admit it -- I bet some of you have thought that.   And here are some reasons why.......

1.  The later you come home, the more excited the dog is to see you.  You don't have to have an excuse or an explanation.  Giving a dog a pat on the head and a treat will make them forget you were ever gone at all.

Nayla, Rocky, Charlie (in diaper) and Kei

2.  Dogs don't care if you call them by another name.  They probably won't even notice.   The tone of your voice tells them you care about them above any other dog.  And if food is part of the equation.....nothing else matters.

3.  Dogs like it if you leave a lot of things on the floor.  They don't care if the house is tidy or if you left your dirty underwear on the floor.  In fact, they like it.

dog on dirty laundry

4.  A dog's parents NEVER visit.  'Nuf said.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

And the Winner is....

grand children
Big brother told his mom
If you don't give me a sister
Put it back!

Aubrie Jeanne born February 13, 2016, 8 pounds, 14 ounces is a little miracle addition to our family. Aubrie's grandma (yours truly) was a miracle baby, Aubrie's mommy was a miracle baby and now little Aubrie is a miracle as well. Every life born is a miracle in the truest sense of the word, but when doctors say it cannot happen and everything goes wrong......what a miracle indeed.  

 Less than an hour old -- yet with ATTITUDE
Gramma and Aubrie

And the winner is..........

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

If You Don't Laugh Out Loud - You Must Be Dead

If you haven't seen this yet -- PREPARE to laugh out loud.

If you have seen this, PREPARE to laugh out louder.

I cannot begin to imagine all the work that went into preparing this -- for our viewing pleasure.  It is HILARIOUS.

You MUST watch the whole thing -- it gets funnier by the second

I think one of the funniest moments was the mistletoe -- what was your favorite?

Thursday, November 19, 2015

When Your Energy is Spent - Can You Keep Going?

Ever reflect on recent activities and wonder how you managed to do everything you did?  That was my October this year.

Carol Graham awarded as Woman of ImpactMany of you will remember the recognition and award I was to receive in Washington D. C. as a Woman of Impact.  It will be an event I will remember the rest of my life.  I am honored to be on the cover and centerfold of the magazine Focus on Women, Sept/Oct 2015.  I will realize the benefits of this event and magazine for a long time into the future.  For this, I am grateful.

My hubby surprised me with this beautiful pendant he made for me for the event.  It is a 7.5ct Ceylon sapphire and diamond set in white gold.

Ceylon sapphire 7.5ct and diamond .50ct

How I physically made it through this month without falling apart is a miracle in itself.  On Oct 13, I left at 4:30 in the morning to catch the first ferry out of Dodge.  Starting out tired on this journey was not a "good" thing.  Once on the mainland, I had lots of errands to do before heading to the airport in Seattle around 9 P. M.  My plane didn't leave until 1 A.M. so I had time to kill and went to the movies. Opted for a scary thriller which made the walk back to my car around midnight a bit unnerving. Then back to the airport.  The plane was overbooked.  NO elbow, leg or moving room to get comfortable -- or SLEEP.

Friday, November 13, 2015

Dogs Drool, Cats Rule!

The prevalence of rancor that exists between dog owners and cat owners is rarely understood or explained. There often seems to be a decided lack of decency among them. Doesn’t it make you wonder what made this evolve into such distinct differences?

Although many dog owners 'have' cats (you can't "own" a cat), many people choose to be one or the other - a cat person or a dog person. I happen to love both cats and dogs but lean towards dogs.  Do you think most people have a preference?  Do you think different personality types prefer one over the other?  I'd be interested to hear your views.

There is much to be said about the differences between dogs and cats and what better way than to show it through pictures?

If cats had their way, they would like to to abolish all dogs. But, they really love the chase, the teasing and knowing that at the end of the day, CATS RULE!

Dog has no idea what's coming next

Friday, October 16, 2015

Are You Addicted to Chocolate? Could it Kill You?

"You better wrap your pretty little head around it because it is the only honorable thing to do!"  How dare she speak to me like that?  SHE was the one living in total darkness and completely oblivious to what was really going on?  

I felt like a kangaroo - jumping from one conclusion to another - wishing someone would point a glow stick in the direction I should go.  Would someone please rescue me from this dilemma?  

I L O V E  chocolate.  I had hidden several pieces of those little gems from my roommate. But she caught me red-handed, with chocolate on my mouth.  

Now those little angels were yelling at the door, "TRICK OR TREAT!" She actually expected me to give up my stash I had so carefully hidden but unfortunately, couldn't resist.  Hence, she found my hiding place.

I knew she was right.  It was wrong to hoard.  Those little kids waited weeks for the opportunity to put on their costumes and hopefully scare old people into giving them candy.  

Honorable or not, I wanted chocolate - NOW.  I wasn't giving in to her threats of telling the kids I wouldn't share.  But then she said those five little words that made me cry and want to throw up - "CHOCOLATE IS POISON TO DOGS!"

The words I received for this month's Use Your Words challenge had me stumped this month.  The only answer was to start typing and see where it would take me -- there you have it.  The weird combination of words Confessions of a Part-Time Working Mom gave me were:  honorable ~ wrap ~ darkness ~ trick or treat ~ glow stick ~ kangaroo.

Please have a browse around the other blogger's posts in this challenge.  I guarantee you that you will be entertained.

Baking In A Tornado
Spatulas on Parade
The Momisodes
Sparkly Poetic Weirdo
Southern Belle Charm
Rena's World
Confessions of a Part-time Working Mom
Someone Else's Genius
Searching for Sanity
Dinosaur Superhero Mommy
The Bergham Chronicles
The Angrivated Mom   
Eileen's Perpetually Busy                

Photo courtesy of

Friday, September 18, 2015

Where to Look if Your Dog Goes Missing

"Ma'am"  I didn't respond.

"Ma'am - excuse me, MA'AM?"  This time I turned, reluctantly.  I remember the first time I was called ma'am - I felt like someone's grandma.  Well, now I am someone's grandma so I better heed the call.

"Ma'am, you have some toilet paper hanging out of your pants."  Yup, sure did.  The restroom was full of women, probably chuckling under their breath, but one was kind enough to alert me as I was leaving.

This happened on the ferry headed to Rochelle's place to do the usual house/dog/cat/sheep/goat sitting.  The goats are gone. Rochelle was tired of herding them home on LEASHES - on a busy highway. She gave them to a neighbor with a higher fence around their property.

Rochelle and family were attending a wedding which was a two-day drive away.  I always appreciate having the solitude of her home to spend time writing and catching up with my on-line deadlines.

Their newest addition to their family of six dogs is Rocky who I introduced to you last month.  He is only five months old and incredibly well-behaved, especially for a dog who was found wandering on