How do you feel about people who lie to you? I don't mean the big lies -- just those tiny ones that don't really seem to matter. Or do they? Saying things we really do not mean is often more of a habit than an intention to hurt someone.
"I'll be in touch." If I tell someone I am going to stay in contact with them, I make a note of it right then and there. Sometimes it means sending them a quick email to see when we can get together or to see what's new in their lives. Making the friendly gesture is only the first step. Keeping in touch is quite another.
I have heard those words so often and then wonder why they never call. Did they forget? Do they not care? It reminds me of the phrase from the second (or first) date "I'll call you." You know they don't have the slightest intention of calling so WHY waste breath by saying they will? Is it to appease the listener at the moment? It is just as easy to say "Goodbye" as it is to say you will be in touch.