Showing posts with label patience. Show all posts
Showing posts with label patience. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

What Makes You an Expert? Can You Add to this List of 9?

Everyone is good at something.  My dad was a minister and he officiated at one man's funeral who was the 'worst' guy in town. No one had anything good to say about him.  At his funeral, my dad shared what a good whistler he was and it made people realize that each of us can be an expert at something.  

What is your expertise?

Have you noticed how many people toot their horns on social media? On any given day, you can find dozens of experts on any subject; social marketing; media strategies, blah, blah, blah.  Often that makes it difficult to know whose advice you should take.

I thought about it and realized that I, too, am an expert and I bet if you think about it, you will realize how many things you are over-the-top awesome at doing.

putting your foot in your mouth

I'm an expert in putting my foot into my mouth.  I have done it so long and so well I could write a book on it.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Waiting For Answers That Never Seem To Come

When I was younger I wrote a lot of poetry.  It was a way of expressing myself without anyone knowing I was talking about 'me.'    There are poems I often ponder from decades ago, but they still carry a punch.  I would like to share one here that I trust will encourage you.  Read it more than once - let it sink in:


Oft there comes a gentle whisper o'er me stealing,
When my trials or my burdens seem too great,
Like the sweet voiced bells of evening softly pealing,
It is saying to my spirit "Only Wait."