Showing posts with label family. Show all posts
Showing posts with label family. Show all posts

Friday, January 6, 2017

What Are the Different Types of Friends You Should Have?

The subject of friends is a broad one. There are many different types of friends. To a close, intimate friend you can say anything without feeling judged. You can tell your deepest secrets or desires. You can cry or laugh or get angry and you know it will not change how they feel about you.

Some of my greatest friends have been the four-legged furry ones. I have rescued over 30 dogs and have grieved deeply when they passed. They took with them many of the secrets I shared and the tears I cried - when only my dog would understand.

This is one friend I have not met but would like to know -- just by looking at his picture!

Friday, August 12, 2016

Bits and Bites You May Not Need to Know

I'm sorry
My sincere apologies to all bloggers participating in Use Your Words this month. For a reason that will forever remain a mystery, I did not receive my words in time to prepare a post. The words are floating in cyberspace.  Please let me know if you see them out there.  Hopefully, this was a one-time fluke.

I am 'on the road again' and was not able to formulate a story around the words I received only yesterday.  My words are Gone ~ Mottled ~ Bleach ~ Washer ~ Paint ~ Lap and submitted by Southern Belle Charm

If I took each of these words and put them into a sentence with the first thing that popped into my head -- it would look like this:

Sorry for missing this month's post -- I was gone.  The words are gone.  I'm coming back.  Hopefully, this will never happen again.

Monday, August 1, 2016

I May Be A Small Dog But I Dream Big

I come from strong stock.  I may be small in stature but I have always dreamed big.  When I dream, it is not only what I think about when I am awake, but also when I am asleep.  If I set my mind to something, you better believe that I will do it.  I am a very determined character.  Here I am with my big sister, Mercedez who went away last year and I miss her so much.

Dreams Do Come True

Even when I was very young, I knew that I wanted to be a husband and father and I never gave up hope that I would meet the perfect girl.  When I laid eyes on that Mexican senorita, I knew she was the one for me.

Friday, July 22, 2016

My 4-year-old Grandson has Questions about His Recent Marriage

When you live a crazy life, you should expect crazy things to happen.  When you keep doing the same thing over and over and expect different results, you are the crazy one.  I constantly look to the future when life will get easier, slow down a bit and then laugh out loud when I realize that may never happen.

To explain:  I have a lot of jobs, often wearing three or four hats at the same time on any given day.  This is normal for a Type A personality who is a perfectionist and believes that relaxing or sleeping is a complete waste of time.  Don't give me any lectures -- I've heard them all.  Most important thing:  I am NOT complaining. I love being busy.  

Consequently, the thought of doing this month's Fly on the Wall post seemed a bit overwhelming because so much happened in the past two months and it would be a really
l o n g post to share it all.  
View from my room

One highlight I will share with you is that I attended the Advanced Writers and Speakers Conference in Cincinnati and look forward to going back next year.  I learned so much in the workshops, made some incredible connections, made, even more, friends and got to see what it is like to live in 97-degree heat with high humidity.  

Our days were filled from early morning to late evening without time to shop or have any 'me' time -- loved it.  I certainly was not bored for one second.

I left the hotel each day to get to the closest restaurant - that was enough heat to last me until next year.  How do people live, work or BREATHE in that?

Sooooooooo........rather than bore you with all the incredible things that happened the last two months, I decided to do some snippets of the grandkids and their antics.

4-year-old grandson gets married

Friday, June 10, 2016

3 Life Lessons You'll Never Forget

Biting my tongue, I tried not to cry. The man on the other end of the telephone was breathing heavily and sporadically. When the seconds between each breath lasted too long, terror ran through my veins.

I needed more time. I needed him to breathe normally. I needed HIM. But the time had come. It was his time to leave.

I could tell by his breathing pattern how my words were affecting him. When the breaths came rapidly, I knew he was becoming emotional. When they were slower, it meant he was calmer.

I told him how much I loved him; how much I appreciated my heritage and the ethics he instilled in me. I thanked him for putting up with my incessant babbling when I got excited.  I reminded him how he would offer me 25 cents to be quiet for five minutes when I was a little girl. I felt him smile inside.

I'm the little one

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

What Makes You an Expert? Can You Add to this List of 9?

Everyone is good at something.  My dad was a minister and he officiated at one man's funeral who was the 'worst' guy in town. No one had anything good to say about him.  At his funeral, my dad shared what a good whistler he was and it made people realize that each of us can be an expert at something.  

What is your expertise?

Have you noticed how many people toot their horns on social media? On any given day, you can find dozens of experts on any subject; social marketing; media strategies, blah, blah, blah.  Often that makes it difficult to know whose advice you should take.

I thought about it and realized that I, too, am an expert and I bet if you think about it, you will realize how many things you are over-the-top awesome at doing.

putting your foot in your mouth

I'm an expert in putting my foot into my mouth.  I have done it so long and so well I could write a book on it.

Friday, April 22, 2016

Can a 4-Year-Old's View of Marriage Be Enlightening?

Ever get a brand new major appliance that DID NOT work?  I was so excited to finally get a new washer and dryer operated by a computer instead of the old fashioned dials. The first day I noticed that all the bells and whistles were not functioning but assumed it was the operator, not the machine. But I soon realized that the only water temperature I was getting was HOT.

I did NOT need my jeans to shrink!  After calling Sears, they assured me it was a simple fix and a repairman would be there shortly.  I'm pretty easy going in these situations because I realize that mistakes happen; there are lemons that can be from the factory.

For the year that followed, I had three motherboards replaced and four repairmen try to fix it.  Every single time I called to find out the status of the replacement parts or when the serviceman was going to show up, I got the same response.

"I understand you are having a problem with a machine that does not fill up with water."

Each and every time I would tell them that there is no problem with the machine filling up with water -- but that NONE of the settings work and I cannot change the water temperature.

F I N A L L Y.....they agreed to replace the machine with a brand new one.  They showed up the next day and once again, I was thrilled to have a new washer -- and one that worked.

I filled the washer, turned it on and lit up like a Christmas tree.  YAY!

Three.  Minutes.  Later.  I hear 'ding' indicating the load was complete.  Clean clothes in three minutes.  This must be some kind of miracle.

I assumed I was having yet another blonde moment and needed to try it again.  Obviously, I did something wrong.  But, no, it was the exact same scenario.

I took all the clothes out, started the machine again and used a flashlight to see what was happening. The machine started with a gentle spin, then stopped, another gentle spin in the opposite direction and that was it.  Why?  BECAUSE THERE WAS NO WATER.

I knew instantly that they had given me a refurbished machine and let's just say you don't need to know what I told them -- but they are delivering a new machine tomorrow with an extended warranty -- their gift to me.  I'll keep you posted.

Get the picture?

Friends came for dinner the other night and brought their new dog, a French Poodle by the name of Mister Red.  We snapped his picture while he was sleeping on our living room carpet and when I looked at it later, I couldn't stop laughing.

Friday, April 8, 2016

Do You Miss Any of These 49 Childhood Memories?

Merry Springtime!  Happy New Life!  Spring is a time for rebirth and new life.  We open our doors, smell the fresh air and new blossoms, hear the birds sing and children running and playing.  
What I woke up to today

In light of this, the Secret Subject challenge for this month is:  "If you could resurrect anything from your past what would it be and why?"

The first thing I thought of was my childhood.  I am so fortunate to have had a childhood where I was loved and cherished.  At the time I may have had my doubts, growing up in a very strict home.  But, life was so simple.  My grandchildren will never experience that simplicity even though their parents are 'old-school' minded. 

Growing up, my world was just world.  We didn't know or very much care what was happening around the rest of the globe. Life was......uncomplicated.

Friday, March 18, 2016

Do You Stay Calm During Stressful Situations?



"Can you and daddy make me a boy one -- just like my sweetie girl?"

How do you answer that?  Rochelle said she would talk to daddy.......

I adore watching how my 4-year-old grandson loves his new little sister.  Before she was born, William made it exquisitely clear that if mommy and daddy had a boy baby, to PUT HIM BACK.  He only wanted a sister.

William and Aubrie
Now, he wants another sibling.  He begs to hold her and cuddle with her.   How long do you think that will last?  We can hope....forever.

It is hard to believe that she is a month old already and in a moment I will be recalling at her high school graduation, "Seems like yesterday I held Aubrie in my arms, welcoming her into this world."

Thursday, February 18, 2016

And the Winner is....

grand children
Big brother told his mom
If you don't give me a sister
Put it back!

Aubrie Jeanne born February 13, 2016, 8 pounds, 14 ounces is a little miracle addition to our family. Aubrie's grandma (yours truly) was a miracle baby, Aubrie's mommy was a miracle baby and now little Aubrie is a miracle as well. Every life born is a miracle in the truest sense of the word, but when doctors say it cannot happen and everything goes wrong......what a miracle indeed.  

 Less than an hour old -- yet with ATTITUDE
Gramma and Aubrie

And the winner is..........

Thursday, February 11, 2016

What if Someone You Loved Went to Prison?

The gavel came down!  "Five years!"  How did my husband land in jail? I didn’t know any criminals. He was NOT a miscreant. I didn’t even know people who lived on the edge. What were we going to do?

I had no income and the lawyer informed us that Paul would be paid forty-nine cents a day during his incarceration. Actually, I didn't expect he would get anything, but, forty-nine cents a day? That was only $15 a month to pay for things like his toothpaste, chocolate bars, etc. Paul said he would send his entire check home to me. I laughed and cried at the same time. I did not know if I would cash it or frame it.

My hubby went to prison

They sent him to Oakalla Prison. I knew he was going to jail but I had no idea it would be to such a hard-core place. Even so, I expected some form of cleanliness and order. I expected to see some normal looking people. I was so wrong! On the way to the prison, Paul's mother and I were confronted with a sign on the wall explaining what to expect.

It stated that a physical search of all visitors would be made by patting the body with the hands and often by exploring bodily orifices in an attempt to find concealed weapons, explosives, drugs or other contraband. 

Friday, February 5, 2016

Does Your Life Have a Restart Button?

A question was recently posed to me that I believe many of us have wondered about: 
In Stephen King's 11/22/63, the protagonist is asked to travel back in time to prevent JFK's assassination. If given the opportunity, what event in your own life or in history might you travel in time to change and what would your life afterward look like?
I must admit that I laughed out loud when I read this because I have had major traumas in my life and it would require me to live my life entirely over if I wanted to change even one of them.
Let's break it down a bit:  

1)  I  would not have married the man my parents and family warned me against.  If I had not married him then my life would have been a lot easier after the divorce.  I would not have been gang-raped and left for dead.  I would not have had my home completely destroyed by a gang of vandals.  I would not have had an emotional and physical breakdown.  
my wedding day was an awful mistake
Even on that day, I was hiding my pain - knowing it was a mistake

Monday, January 25, 2016

Letter To My Unborn Granddaughter

Dear Grandaughter:  Here you are -- almost ready to face this world.  Here we are -- ready to welcome you.  Your parents and grandparents are thrilled that you are going to be a baby girl. Your big brother said, "If I don't get a sister, Mommy.....put it back!"

In our family, you will be the first girl born into a generation of little boys.  I can only imagine you will have the upper hand in most situations.  Girls RULE -- Boys drool, right?

I try to picture what you will look like and this in utereo photo is amazing. Technology has come so far and during your lifetime, you will see it go even further.

Aubrie Jeanne

I remember when the doctor placed your mommy into my arms for the first time.  It was not love at first sight because I loved you from the moment I discovered you were in my belly.  Your mommy was desperately wanted, just as you have been.  That story click here

You will be surrounded by love and protection from all sides of your little universe.  With such a sensitive nature, your big brother will be extremely close to you - protecting you, caring for you and teaching you everything a big brother can.

Friday, January 22, 2016

How Does Flattery Affect You?

"Do you mind if I ask you something?"   Without a clue what to expect I replied, "Of course  I don't mind."

I was at our goldsmith's shop where there were four goldsmiths and three diamond setters working. We have used these goldsmiths for over 25 years to make custom jewelry for our clients. During the course of these years, we have never seen superior quality -- their workmanship is unmatched.  We respect them and their work so I assumed the question was going to be work related as our relationship is strictly business.

"I have known you over 20 years, why is it you still look the same?"  I was not sure if this was a compliment or an indication that I needed to upgrade my appearance.

I laughed, not knowing what to say.  He continued, "How old are you, anyway?"

I laughed again and said, "You know you are never supposed to ask a lady her age!"  He apologized profusely, "How old do you think I am?"

He took a step closer to me and said, "I can't lie and I hope I am not insulting you, but you must be between 40 and 45."

Now, it was time to burst into hysterics as I said, "You China men all think we blue-eyed, blonde white chicks all look alike!"  The whole shop burst into laughter.  He was embarrassed, not knowing if I was flattered or insulted.

I said, "I will be turning 70 soon." He lost his balance, landed in the closest chair and said, "If you weren't married, I would be asking you out!"

I told him "All men are liars!" and there was another round of laughter.  He proceeded to say some very nice things and I couldn't wait to call my hubby and tell him.  I knew he would be pleased -- and he was! That made my day, week, month, year.

Emergency trip to the hospital

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

What Life Lessons Did Your Father Teach You?

In a small German village on New Year's Eve 1903, my father, William Frederick, was born. He was the oldest of thirteen children. Life was challenging and after my father's brother was born, my grandfather traveled to the New World. Grandpa worked hard to save enough money to bring his family to America.



The day came when my Grandma and her two little boys could travel across the seas to unite with Grandpa and have a better life.   There was not enough money for the three of them to travel as passengers.  My dad and his brother were stowaways in the hull of the ship.  It was a three-week journey with little food for the boys to share.  My father was four years old and would go the kitchen and beg for the table scraps that had been thrown away.   Often, he was reprimanded for being there and not given anything to eat.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Return the Child - He Is Not Yours to Keep

I stood there...exhausted.  Staring at nothing in particular and everything in general.  It was all a blur; fuzzy, like my thoughts.
mother kissing child

Shock does that.  Moments earlier I held my infant son in my arms, cradling him, cuddling him.  Now my arms were empty.  The ache in my heart was like none I had ever experienced.  It only exaggerated the pain in my empty arms. No one could ever take that pain away except my son - back where he belonged.

Monday, January 11, 2016

15 Unusual Tips for Success in 2016 from Unique Sources

Do you talk to animals?  Do they talk to you?  Having rescued over 30 dogs from a variety of negative circumstances, I have discovered they will tell you their story -- all you have to do it learn how to listen to them.  It is one of the unique pleasures of life.

They wanted you to know that there is much promise for 2016 and it can be an incredible year for you -- just follow their advice:

Find perfect balance in the company you keep

 Find shelter from the storm

Thursday, January 7, 2016

20 Things You Said You Would Never Do

Be honest with me.  How many of you have said "I'll never be like that when I get old?"  All of us have fallen short in some form or another by doing the things we swore we would never do.

do not do list

Most of us, who have children, made some hard and fast rules when we became parents.

"I will never yell at my children."  Come on, tell us, have you ever yelled at your kids?

"I will never allow my children to talk back to me."  Did you figure out a way to make them stop?

"I will be completely aware of where my child is at all times."  You own a leash?  Well, GPS is a good one.

"I will never allow my child to eat sugar."  So, what do you do, eat that candy bar while they watch?

Friday, December 11, 2015

Christmas - Sometimes the Best Laid Plans Take a Twist

It was Christmas 1979.  My husband, Paul, and I were headed to his family's home in northern Alberta, Canada. Coming from the West coast of the U S, I had not prepared for the brutal winter weather of the North. I didn't own a heavy winter jacket or gloves.  In the Northwest, we don't have a need for four distinct seasons in our wardrobes.  

We decided to drive straight through the night and arrive two days before Christmas.  That was the plan.  It would be nice to spend Christmas with family -- my family was on the other side of the country and traveling there was not feasible.

Paul preferred to drive at night with fewer cars on the road.  I could curl up in the passenger seat and sleep.  His secret was to eat salted sunflower seeds to keep awake. Paul has been a maniac behind the wheel as long as I have known him - some 45 years. He is an excellent driver, but Speeding is his middle name.  Although we hoped the roads would be fine, we never expected to run into a blizzard trouble.  But we did - both.  We were driving through the Rocky Mountains; it was bitter cold and snowing hard.

Driving in a blizzard

I woke up the sound of the tires on gravel as Paul pulled onto the shoulder of the highway. "I have no idea what is wrong but I have to go get help or we will freeze to death."  This was the days before cell phones and at 2 A.M. you couldn't stick your thumb out and hitchhike.  

Thursday, November 19, 2015

When Your Energy is Spent - Can You Keep Going?

Ever reflect on recent activities and wonder how you managed to do everything you did?  That was my October this year.

Carol Graham awarded as Woman of ImpactMany of you will remember the recognition and award I was to receive in Washington D. C. as a Woman of Impact.  It will be an event I will remember the rest of my life.  I am honored to be on the cover and centerfold of the magazine Focus on Women, Sept/Oct 2015.  I will realize the benefits of this event and magazine for a long time into the future.  For this, I am grateful.

My hubby surprised me with this beautiful pendant he made for me for the event.  It is a 7.5ct Ceylon sapphire and diamond set in white gold.

Ceylon sapphire 7.5ct and diamond .50ct

How I physically made it through this month without falling apart is a miracle in itself.  On Oct 13, I left at 4:30 in the morning to catch the first ferry out of Dodge.  Starting out tired on this journey was not a "good" thing.  Once on the mainland, I had lots of errands to do before heading to the airport in Seattle around 9 P. M.  My plane didn't leave until 1 A.M. so I had time to kill and went to the movies. Opted for a scary thriller which made the walk back to my car around midnight a bit unnerving. Then back to the airport.  The plane was overbooked.  NO elbow, leg or moving room to get comfortable -- or SLEEP.
