Showing posts with label inspiration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label inspiration. Show all posts

Sunday, January 11, 2015

I Was Born A Mother

Some people are born salesmen.  Some are born rock stars. And then there are the born winners and of course.....the born losers.  I was born a mom.  This is something I realized only recently.

I have been a business woman longer than I have been a mom.  I have been self-employed since the 1970's.  As much as I love the challenges of business; in my heart, I am a mom.

My own mother was quite ill when I was born and from a very young age I learned how to care for the sick.  I was her legs -- running little errands for her when she could not.  I was her eyes - reading to her for hours when her head pain would not permit it.  I was her friend who cuddled with her to make her feel better.  When the suffering was too intense I was asked to leave the room so she could rest.  I would leave, crying.  I needed to make her better - thus my need to nurture was born.

@BatteredHope Born to be a mother

Sunday, January 4, 2015

The Choices You Make

I am pleased to introduce to you my guest, Suzy Que from New Zealand.  I met her during a blogging challenge in April of 2014 and have appreciated her poetry and insights during the past several months.  When challenged by a co-worker in 2010 she started a private blog and realized that it was a way to fulfill her passion for writing.  The following year she began blogging regularly and now has three blogs.  

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Why Doesn't The Government Reimburse Us For Wasting Our Time? Fly On The Wall

I paid a bill to the government.  A month later I received a nasty letter from them that they were fining me for not paying on time and if it was not paid, well, you know.  THREATS.

I called the toll-free number -- you know the one -- you have to go through a dozen prompts and finally get to speak to a person.  Then that person transfers you to another person and over the course of two days and about four hours of my time, they admitted they put in the wrong code.  Do they apologize?  No, somehow they can make you feel that it was your fault and you are very lucky they figured out the problem and corrected it for you.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

The Veterinarian Assured Me - He'll Be Better By Monday

I looked at my precious cat, Antonio.  My daughter had named him and it suited him.  He had class --but no superior attitude.  He acted more like a dog than a cat and soon he became known as Tony.  Tony's favorite game was Hide 'N Seek.  He never tired of  playing it with our Miniature Dachshund, Louie. Tony would hide in the bushes and watch Louie play in the yard. When the opportunity presented itself, Tony would take one giant leap and pounce directly on Louie's back.

Then the chase would begin. There was not even the slightest chance that Louie would ever be able to catch Tony, but Tony allowed himself to be caught so they could wrestle. Sitting upright, Tony used his right front paw to bat the little dog in the head.  Louie kept coming back for more. They did this for hours and were a great source of entertainment for the guys painting our house. This gave the guys some good laughs and I am pleased they did not fall off their ladders.

When Louie rolled over onto his back, Tony knew the game was over.  Louie was being submissive and saying "Enough - I need a nap."  Basking in the summer sun, Tony would sleep with one eye open, tail twitching, watching eagles in the sky, bugs on the ground and human activity all around him.

Tony was a lover, not a fighter.  He did manage to bring me the occasional mouse, snake or bird and deposit it at the front door in anticipation of praise from me.  But he usually got a "Yuk! What did you do?" instead.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Follow Your Dream or One Crazy Miniature Dachshund

When Inderpreet Kaur Uppal requested that I guest post on her blog, she was specific.  She asked me to share what motivated me to write my memoir.  That was easy!  A crazy miniature Dachshund named Louis Vuitton was responsible for inspiring me to share my story.

It was a difficult but therapeutic journey requiring me to visit places in my past where I never wanted to go again.  The struggles I endured through life would make most people roll over and quit.  But through them all, I gained incredible strength and my memoir has become an encouragement for many.

I thoroughly enjoy guest posting as it is a great opportunity to gain a new audience and new friends.  Last month  Inderpreet Kaur Uppal did a guest post on my blog of her views on marriage and relationships.  Although we are half a world apart, our views are very similar.  Her post can be read here. 

We met on a blogging challenge last Spring and I have grown to appreciate her as a blogger and friend.  She is a freelance writer, blogger, editor and lecturer.  She has a Masters Degree in Human Resources Management.  She loves to read and travel.  Her blog posts are a range of subjects from lifestyle to book reviews.  She blogs at  Eloquent Articulation.  

There are no excuses -- Follow Your Dreams
I know you will enjoy this humorous and remarkable story of one very special dog.  Please connect with me on Inderpreet's blog and comment here..... or there or BOTH.  I will answer in both places.   Here is the story:  Follow Your Dream

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Sunday Sum It Up - Get Out The Kleenex

We get busy.  It happens.  Sometimes we miss reading posts from our favorite bloggers. Here are my posts from last week -- Get out the Kleenex!  So................Let's Sum It Up!

For those of you that may have missed them, hopefully you will have a chance to take a peek and comment.  I LOVE your comments and always respond within twenty-four hours.  That's how friendships are formed, right?

Starting with..... Sometimes We Battle Stress By Bragging A Little  Last month, on a few days, I didn't think things could get worse and then we got news of the fire.  Each of us go through rough times and by appreciating the good things, it makes a huge difference in how we cope.

Were you born with it?     Do you believe you are born a sales person or is it learned?  No matter what we do in life, we are selling our selves.  Here is a funny story on one way to sell.

My dear friend recently shared her story about an encounter with Bill Cosby.  I had no idea.
 An Apology - Bill Cosby

Rounding out the week is
 The Best Gift....Ever   A gift I will never forget that did not cost a dime!   GET OUT THE KLEENEX

There you have it -- thank you for visiting and PLEASE leave comments.  

Posts from one week earlier here   Read News about Your Health and How to Make Sure  Readers Don't Return To Your Blog!

Saturday, November 29, 2014

The Best Gift ..... Ever

Thanksgiving was over.  Black Friday sales were slowing down.  One day we were thankful for what we have.  The next day we shopped for more.   Maybe we ate too much or spent too much money but most of us reflected on what we appreciated about our lives -- our families and friends.

The question was once posed to me "What gift have you received that you appreciated the most?"  It only took a micro second to remember my favorite gift - ever.  I am acutely aware of it on a regular basis.

It was 1987.  My husband and I were going through a rough patch of bad luck.  It seemed that no matter what we did to get ahead, we were thrown two steps back. We had taken a huge financial loss and did not have any income at the time. Jobs were more than scarce and every day seemed to bring a new dilemma.

It was Christmas time and there was no money for any gifts or turkey dinner.  Please don't misunderstand me.  There are things a lot more important than exchanging gifts but it was a harsh reminder of how difficult the year had been. Although we remained optimistic, the future looked pretty grim.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Sometimes We Battle the Stress By Bragging A Little

William turned three in October and this is one Grandmom who has never experienced the terrible twos. My children didn't go through them and neither has William. Why am I bragging? Because I am proud. Incredibly proud at how Thomas and Rochelle are raising this little grandson. When Rochelle shares some of the parenting skills they use, I am impressed and grateful for the job they are doing.  It makes me wonder why more parents don't take this rewarding road.

Consequently, William is a funny, happy, content, well-behaved, polite little boy and never exhausting in any respect.

ENOUGH bragging -- now a couple funny stories.   William flunked swimming class.  There are four little three-year-olds in the class.  Two boys, two girls.  William cheats.  In order to pass the class he had to be able to hold his head under water and catch the bubbles he blew.  He figured out an easier way -- blow the bubbles on top of the water and catch them with your feet.  Do you think he maybe wanted to stay in this particular class?  He really likes the teacher!

Monday, November 17, 2014

Let's Sum It Up -- Again

We get busy.  It happens.  Sometimes we miss reading posts from our favorite bloggers.  Last week I shared highlights from my blog posts for the past week and it was so popular -- I'm doin' it again!  So................Let's Sum It Up!

For those of you that may have missed them, hopefully you will have a chance to take a peek and comment.  I LOVE your comments and always respond within twenty-four hours.  That's how friendships are formed, right?

Starting with Monday......TAKE TIME FOR YOUR HEALTH TODAY
I shared  how I am privileged to see miracles Every. Single. Day.  As a result, I get a lot of Hugs - Read about it here.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

A Friend Indeed

Blogging has opened a new world of friendship.  People we would never have met in any other way have become dear friends in this new world.  One of my new, dear and beautiful friends is Inderpreet Kaur Uppal.  She is a freelance writer, blogger, editor and lecturer.  She has a Masters Degree in Human Resources Management and loves to read, travel, discuss and write.  Please connect with her at her blog,  Eloquent Articulation,  and read her wonderful posts there.  
Today she is Guest Posting for me on the subject of marriage.  She lives in India - a half world away - in a totally different culture. Yet, we hold the same sentiments dear when it comes to family, relationships and marriage.  Here are her thoughts on marriage:

Friday, November 14, 2014

Thanksgiving Can Never Be The Same

Sitting on the second floor deck, wrapped in my jacket, gloves, scarf and hat, I sipped my hot chocolate. The cloudy sky made the night seem exceptionally dark. There was a slight breeze and I inched closer to the gas heater.  The noise of the traffic below was muffled by my thoughts.  

I could see the lights of the island, miles away.  They seemed particularly bright tonight. Maybe it was the briskness from the chill in the air or because I was focusing intently on that city across the water.  The city where my daughter lived.  

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Do You Want Health For Your Time Tomorrow?

I live in a world of miracles.  Every.  Single. Day.  Do you have any idea what that feels like?  Now many of you will nod and agree that life, in itself, is a daily miracle.  But I am one of those fortunate people who gets to experience outstanding miracles on a regular basis.  I get to be the recipient of hugs and I mean, really big tight hugs....when I have been able to give someone hope who has lost hope.

I am a health coach.  I have been one for thirty-five years.  I am also a symptomologist.  A WHAT?  I assess a client's symptoms and determine what nutrients they are missing in their diet that is causing distress.  So what in the world does that mean?

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Let's Sum It Up

We get busy.  It happens.  Sometimes we miss reading posts from our favorite bloggers.  My friend and fellow blogger, Elly Stornebrink, had a great idea suggesting we share highlights from our blog posts for the past week.  So................Let's Sum It Up!

For those of you that may have missed them, hopefully you will have a chance to take a peek and comment.  I LOVE your comments and always respond within twenty-four hours.  That's how friendships are formed, right?

Sunday, November 1:  Let Me Drop Everything and Work On Your Problem   I loved this post, especially the coffee mug that said:

Saturday, November 8, 2014

I Dream On Words

Last month I shared a poem by James Kavanaugh entitled There Are Men Too Gentle To Live Among Wolves   and also the humorous The Post Office .  Many readers commented how much they liked his style of poetry.  I would like to acknowledge Mr. Kavanaugh by posting another one of my favorites. I hope you will enjoy them as well.

Monday, November 3, 2014

There Are Men Too Gentle To Live Among Wolves

Last month I shared a poem by James Kavanaugh entitled The Post Office.  It is a humorous look at what we think about while waiting in line at the post office.   Many readers commented how much they liked his style of poetry.  I would like to acknowledge Mr. Kavanaugh by posting some of my favorites.  I hope you will enjoy them as well.

This one is the title of one of his books by the same name There Are Men Too Gentle To Live Among Wolves.  

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Would You Be Offended If Someone Forgot Your Birthday?

I don't get the whole birthday thing.  Maybe you can explain it to me.  My birthday is coming up in a couple weeks and sometimes I don't even remember unless I look at the calendar that day.

I know how important it is to a lot of people that their families remember them in a special way - usually with gifts, cards and dinner.  Maybe even a party.  Some people enjoy telling everyone it's their birthday and expect special treatment.

I ask you - WHY?  You were born.  You are still alive.  The way I look at it, we should celebrate

Friday, October 17, 2014

The Cops Called and Left A Message

"This is Officer Colt and I would appreciate it if you would contact me as soon as possible."  That was the message left on a Friday afternoon.  What is the first thing that runs through your mind when a cop calls and leaves a message? 

"What's wrong?"  "Who's in trouble?"  "Who is in the hospital?"  Of course I called right back but I would have to speak directly with Officer Colt and he was out of the office until Tuesday.  Every negative scenario I could think of terrified me.  At dinner I asked my husband, "Do you have a bunch of parking tickets you threw away?"  "NO!" That's good...... I guess.  I still didn't know what was wrong and it drove me nuts all weekend.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Waiting For Answers That Never Seem To Come

When I was younger I wrote a lot of poetry.  It was a way of expressing myself without anyone knowing I was talking about 'me.'    There are poems I often ponder from decades ago, but they still carry a punch.  I would like to share one here that I trust will encourage you.  Read it more than once - let it sink in:


Oft there comes a gentle whisper o'er me stealing,
When my trials or my burdens seem too great,
Like the sweet voiced bells of evening softly pealing,
It is saying to my spirit "Only Wait."

Friday, September 19, 2014

Flattery? What's that?

Some tidbits to make you smile today

Flattery?  What's that?

What do you think of flattery?  Do you want to be with someone who constantly tells you how beautiful and intelligent you are?   Do you want that person to worship the ground you walk on?   I have known relationships like that and must admit, I am a bit envious.  Sometimes I will even work up the courage to ask my hubby, "What do you think?  Like it?"  The reply is usually an approving nod followed by "You look great!"  Why can't he just say that without me having to ask?

He loves my cooking and brags about it to other people so I am aware that he certainly can appreciate the finer things.  After forty plus years of marriage, I still love it when he notices something new or different  I admit it; it feels good.  

So, imagine my surprise the other day when, OUT OF THE BLUE, he looked at me and said,

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Regret and Fear are Twin Thieves

Many of us have read The Station by Robert J. Hastings at some point in our lives.  I have read it numerous times over the years.  It never gets old or dated.  It is always a fresh message.  It always bears repeating.  It is unadulterated truth.  Read it.  Think about it.  Pass it on.

Tucked away in our subconscious is an idyllic vision.  We see ourselves on a long trip that spans the continent.  We are traveling by train.  Out the windows we drink in the passing scene of cars on nearby highways, of children waving at a crossing, of cattle gazing on a distant hillside, of smoke pouring from a power plant, of row upon row of corn and wheat, of flat lands and valleys, of mountains and rolling hillsides, of city skylines and village halls.
