Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Do You Know How to Sell Yourself or Are You Your Own Worst Enemy?

Common sense
When someone says, "I can't sell anything" or "I can sell ice to the Eskimos" where do you fit between these two extremes? Were you born a salesperson or did you become one? Selling is based on common sense.

Some people believe that you must have a certain type of personality in order to sell something. Some people don't like to 'feel' as if they are being sold something. Sometimes we have the mindset that we will NOT buy and yet walk away with a purchase. Why? Were we intimidated into buying? Did the salesperson make us realize that we had a definite 'need' to make that particular purchase?

Every single day we either buy or sell something and, at times, without even realizing it. We buy and sell thoughts, ideas, objects, lies, or truths.    

Friday, July 7, 2017

Are You Sitting on the Fence?

Decision time

Are you a black and white kind of person? All or nothing?  Or are you easily influenced and possibly can have your mind changed regarding your 'convictions?'

In many ways, I am black and white - all or nothing.  However, I have learned that being this way may not allow for change and one could become quite close-minded.  Take food for example. I love or hate.  Rarely is there a middle ground.  I enjoy cooking and will try new recipes but they must pass the love or hate test and I will not make them again if they fall into the 'like' category.   

I have strong principles regarding my ethics, morals and the way I treat people.  I work diligently at not judging others at face value but choose to look beneath the surface and find out why they may do or say things I do not necessarily agree with.  

All or Nothing

Friday, June 23, 2017

When You Are All Dressed Up, POOP happens - Murphy's Law

Celebration of LifeThere must be a Murphy's Law that says: "When you are dressed to the nines, that is when mishaps/mini disasters/poop happens."

My daughter, her two children, my husband and I had attended the Celebration of Life service for a dear friend of ours.  It was exceptionally hot outside and we were anxious to get home. My husband was in the rear seat of Rochelle's SUV facing our one-year-old granddaughter in her car seat.  Hubby was entertaining Brie and she was giggling and having a great time with Papa.  

"Why did you give her chocolate?"  Hubby shouted from the rear.

"What chocolate?  I didn't give her any chocolate.  William, did you give your sister some chocolate?

"MOM, it isn't chocolate.  It's POO!"

Brie had been cleaning out her diaper and handing the poo to Papa.  She thought it was a great game.  Papa.....not so much.  It was too late.  He had already taken some 'chocolate' from his granddaughter.

Sunday, June 18, 2017

How Do You Survive a Broken Heart When You Lose a Child?


For those of us who have lost a child through death, the pain is like none other. Yet, there are many parents who have lost a child in another way.  Their grief and pain are no different and there is rarely any closure.

Losing a child through estrangement, there are no flowers or comfort given.  There is no service to help bring closure.  People do not rally around you and bring you meals to help you get through those days when getting out of bed and facing reality is more than you can bear. The parents are often good and loving parents who are tossed aside emotionally by their child for real or perceived shortcomings.  The child does not negotiate but merely leaves; often without an explanation.  The parents are left grieving this loss by themselves - a loss beyond any comprehension as to what happened.

Friday, June 9, 2017

How Do You Divide Up Your Time?

battered hope
Do you have a hobby?  Do you want a hobby?  Do you think hobbies are important? Recently I was asked to answer the question, "Do you have a favorite hobby and why do you like it so much?"

First of all, the question implies that I have more than one hobby and that one should be my favorite.  I thought long and hard - about 2 minutes - and couldn't figure out what my hobby was so tabled it for awhile.  Over the course of a few days, I continued to think about it and nope, couldn't come up with any hobby I might enjoy.

The definition of hobby is 'an activity done regularly in one's leisure time for pleasure.'

AHA! -- now we are getting somewhere.  

1 - I love to eat.  I enjoy cooking.

2 - I love mysteries and problem solving -- born a fixer.  
3 - I love to work and rarely stop to do anything else.

1. Turn your hobby into a business

Friday, May 19, 2017

Do You Know One Key to Getting Through a Rough Day, Month, Year?

How do you deal with drama in your life?  Do you respond calmly and with patience?  Or do you fret and bite your nails not knowing what the outcome will be?

My hubby and I are in the middle of four major changes in our lives. Decisions have to be made. And there are some that are out of our control. There are days when it is difficult to stay focused and positive - not knowing which direction life will take. You hope for the best outcome and it certainly tries and tires your patience thermometer.  Some days you are up and optimistic and other days you wonder if you are going to make it if things don't work out. Sound familiar?

I am fortunate to have a husband who stays rational and even-keeled on the days I struggle and vice versa - it works both ways.

One of the best ways I suggest dealing with the pressures you may encounter in any given day is to remind yourself of all the good in your life.  When we voice what we are grateful for, it brings the needed balance.

Sunday, May 14, 2017

What Memories Do You Hold on to - Good, Bad or Ugly?

Memories are triggered in many different ways.  Sometimes it is when you smell a fragrance your friend used to wear.  Or maybe a bad smell of food (cooked cabbage) that reminds you when your mother MADE you eat it.

Some memories are triggered by sounds  - especially music.   I think that most of us have the most vivid memories from our teen years or when we fell in love for the first time.

Each of us good and bad memories.  Hopefully, it is the good ones we hold on to and let the bad ones go.  But both types of memories have triggers.

And then there are pictures.  Pictures of when we were children.  Pictures of our first date, dance or graduation.  Pictures of long lost friends or family members.

The pictures below are ones I remember from my childhood.  Some of you will remember all of them.  Some of you will remember none of these items.  Some of you may wonder what we ever needed these things for!!  And some of us wish we still had them!

Share in the comment section if you remember any of these......

When you filled your car up with gasoline, you received a free glass.  It was exciting to collect the set

free glassware

Friday, April 21, 2017

How Would You Like To Live In One of the Most Beautiful Places in the World?

Blogging is a wonderful way to journal your life.  One of the blogging challenges I do each month is called Fly on the Wall  and it gives bloggers an opportunity to share what went on in their lives the previous month.

This month my great niece and her friend came for a visit.  I had not seen my niece (my sister's oldest daughter's middle daughter) for a few years.  When she emailed me that she would be in this area with her friend, I was thrilled.  I think they were amazed at how much there was to do and see within a few minutes of our home.  They wanted to go hiking and each day was a new adventure.  It brought an appreciation for the incredible, awesome, marvelous world my husband and I call home.  

Our dear friends, who are away for the winter, were very gracious to allow the girls to use their home for the entire week.  

Sunny day

The weather prediction was for rain every day.  BUT...... it only rained one day and was cloudy a couple more.  Otherwise, bright sunshine -- a blessing for this time of year!  Here is their visit in pictures.

See the rainbow over the harbor?  When I fly to my daughter's place this is the harbor I leave home from -- it is a 12-minute flight which would take six hours to drive.

