Showing posts with label encouragement. Show all posts
Showing posts with label encouragement. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Yes, You Can Die Of A Broken Heart

There are many factors that contribute to a condition known as Broken Heart Syndrome.  Although it has been around for centuries, the medical profession has only begun to recognize it as a medical condition since the 1990's. 

They believe the condition is brought on by an adrenaline rush that happens shortly after a severe stressful situation. The left ventricle of the heart takes on a cone-like shape which resembles the shape of a pot the Japanese use to capture octopus called “tako-tsubo” which means “fishing pot for trapping octopus. “Tako-tsubo Cardiomyopathy” is now Broken Heart Syndrome's medical name.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

How Do You Define Yourself?

Meet  Lizzie Velasquez.  She has a condition that is so rare only one other person in the world has it.  She cannot gain weight.  She has never weighed more than 54 pounds.  She looks at her disability as a stepping stone rather than a stumbling block and asks her audience questions to make us think how we use our negative situations to our benefit rather than our defeat.

I hope you enjoy this video and are challenged by this young woman who will definitely make you think.  She is not asking for pity, quite the opposite as she encourages you to see your circumstances in proper perspective.  She asks the question "How do you define yourself?"  Not  "How do others define you?"

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Friday, January 10, 2014

Ever Feel Hopeless? Helpless? True Story That Will Grab You

Battered Hope is a true story of a courageous, strong woman who refused to accept defeat.  Through her life of trauma in several arenas, she overcame incredible odds and became successful.  Here is the first chapter...


     The silence was deafening. The only sounds I heard were coming from inside my head. I could hear the blood rushing through my veins from the palpitations of my heart. My sweater was moving to the uneven rhythm. I had to keep telling myself to remain calm. I must not appear flustered or guilty. I tried taking deep breaths to slow down the pace of my heart which took every ounce of my strength and fortitude. I grabbed my knees with both hands in an effort to stop them from shaking. But that didn’t seem to help, and fear prevented me from thinking rationally.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Serious But Easy Help for Procrastinators - Read it Now!

I married the world’s worst procrastinator.  I have learned NEVER to ask him if he wants to do something now...or later.  It does not matter what the task is, his option - later.  Every time.  

@BatteredHope  Help for procrastinators

It certainly has been a problem for him, especially when he misses something important because he is too late.  Here are some questions to ask yourself to see if you are a procrastinator:

Friday, December 13, 2013

I May Be A Small Dog - But I Dream Big

I come from strong stock.  I may be small in stature but I have always dreamed big.  When I dream, it is not only what I think about when I am awake, but also when I am asleep.  If I set my mind to something, you better believe that I will do it.  I am a very determined character.

Dreams Do Come True

Even when I was very young, I knew that I wanted to be a husband and father and I never gave up hope that I would meet the perfect girl.  When I laid eyes on that Mexican senorita, I knew she was the one for me. She did not disappoint and we were able to raise a family together.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

My Daddy - Hero, Friend, Confidant, Teacher

In a small German village on New Year's Eve 1903, my father, William Frederick was born. He was the oldest of thirteen children. Life was challenging and after his brother was born, my grandfather traveled to the New World.  Grandpa worked hard to save enough money to bring his family to America.

Came to America as a Stow-Away

The day came when my Grandma and her two little boys could travel across the seas to unite with Grandpa and have a better life.   There was not enough money for the three of them to travel as passengers so my dad and his brother were stow-aways in the hull of the ship.  It was a three week journey with little food for the boys to share.  My father was four years old and would go the kitchen and beg for the table scraps that had been thrown away. Often, he was reprimanded for being there and given nothing to eat.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

When A Dream Turns Into A Nightmare

It was 1972 and I was given the opportunity to accompany my fiance on one of his many trips to South Africa for business.  I was thrilled.  My brother and his family had been living in South Africa since the early 1950s and I was so excited to be able to see where they lived and to visit my nephews.  

We were planning on doing sight-seeing and had a special photographer's camera that looked more like a rifle than a camera.  As we exited the plane, custom officials pulled us aside and took us into an interrogation room and did a strip search because of the 'weapon' we were carrying.  I was terrified.  My fiance, Paul, finally convinced them it was a camera and we were released.

Music For All Moods

Music is such a major part of my life.  There is a type of music for any emotion.  Music can soothe me, make me laugh, make me sad or bring back memories.  When I hear a song from years gone by, it can trigger a lot of memories and emotion.  Sometimes a song will take me back decades and I will have a vivid picture of exactly what I was doing when that song was playing.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

The Miniature Dachshund Who Started Me On My Journey To Become An Author

Books. So many warm thoughts are evoked when I think of that word. It is exciting to plan your date with the book you want to read and then take the time to sit in a quiet place and shut out the world you are living in to enter another world you choose to go.

@BatteredHope A dog helped me write my memoir

Sunday, December 8, 2013

When Asked to Step Out of your Comfort Zone - Do It!

Food – such a major part of our lives. We need food. We share food. We want food. All five senses are affected by food. We smell food. We taste food. We see food. We touch food and yes, we can hear food.

We certainly can be passionate about food. I sure am. My husband loves good food and he is very happy that I am a good cook. However, he really doesn't get too excited about it. Well, maybe apple pie and homemade ice cream but I even dream about food. Since my kids were very young I made it a policy to try one new recipe each week and we would vote on it as a family. It had to be 100% for it or it wouldn't fly.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013



It was a warm, bright spring day.  I was walking towards my car on the way home from work and was unaware that I was being followed.  Without warning, a leather gloved hand was over my mouth.  It had an indiscernible taste and smell.  Two more hands grabbed my arms and twisted them behind me.  Another gloved hand covered my eyes.  I thought I was going to die from fright.  I almost passed out in fear and tried to scream and kick but couldn't break free from the hold.  I kept wondering how many were holding me.  One of them was tying a blindfold over my eyes and I was pushed into my car. 
