Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Feeling Good Every Day is Actually an Option

Do you enjoy downtime when you feel sick?  Miss work because of a cold or the flu?  Lack of energy?  Imagine what it is like to wake up every morning and feel good every SINGLE day?

My daughter told me a few years ago that she has zero memory of her mom ever being sick or tired.  I hadn't really thought about it but it is true.  Every day I feel great - I work hard, am rarely tired, eat what I like and never get sick.  

As a health coach for the past 30 plus years, I have been helping people reach their health goals and build a strong immune system.  It is possible.  And not that difficult!

Friday, May 24, 2019

Why Garden? You Just Have To Do it All Over Again

Let's get one thing clear.  I ain't no gardener.  I hate gardening and when someone tells me that it is therapeutic, it makes me wonder.  What is fun about bending over all day in the hot sun, getting sweaty and filthy?  I suppose some people feel that way about housework or any number of things that we consider chores.  

The weeds grow back, the house needs cleaning......

HOWEVER...last week I looked at the flower garden and decided it was time!  It extends around the entire yard and has a million or so different plants.  Almost all of them bloom, including the weeds.

I spent four-and-a-half hours weeding one day and could hardly walk for a day or two afterward.  I found no satisfaction in it and after looking at the yard, it looked as though it hadn't been touched.  That means I have to do it soon - AGAIN.

Can You Tell the Difference?

Monday, May 20, 2019

Do You Want Health for Your Time Tomorrow?

If Your Health Matters, What Are You Doing About It?

Does your health matter to you?  Do you take time for your health today so that you have health for your time tomorrow?   I believe that most of us do the best we can as well as educate ourselves in various health-related matters. 

I started this journey when I was in my twenties and given two years to live.  That is far too young to hear the "C" word and told "Hysterectomy or death!"  Those were my choices and I didn't choose either one.  

What I did choose was LIFE and SO CAN YOU!  When I made that choice and won that battle I also made the choice to help as many people as I could for the rest of my life. I am grateful that I have been able to do that as a certified health coach.

Saturday, May 11, 2019

No Greater Love Than a Wanted Child - A Daughter

I wish I had words to describe my love and admiration for my daughter. I try -- but come up short. I have watched her survive great trauma in her young life and she never complains. She was a little girl when her father was in a serious car accident, leaving him disabled. She did everything she could to help me, encourage me and make me laugh. She was strong and a wealth of support for her mom. She has lost friends to cancer and suicide but is always the first one to console those around her.  She has lost much and endured immeasurable pain.  She is always first to offer a helping hand.  She lost her brother when he chose to walk away from our family seven years ago and broke our hearts.

Her dad and I were told we would never have children.  After 14 long, difficult years of waiting, we had our baby girl -- and now she is a mom. 
My daughter on the left.  Her daughter on the right.

Friday, May 10, 2019

Does Your Dog Talk to You? If Not.....Why Not?


Any dog owner will tell you that anyone can learn the language of DOG very quickly.  All you have to do is learn to listen. They enunciate clearly.  Having that type of relationship with your fur friend is also difficult because you always know when it is time for them to cross the Rainbow Bridge.  I believe they prepare us for their final good-bye.  

We have rescued more than two dozen dogs over the course of many years and it is never easy to say good-bye.  It doesn't matter if they were with us for a couple of years or close to twenty.  I dread the day each time as I realize it is getting closer.   But I will never allow my dogs to suffer by keeping them alive for my selfish reasons.  My dogs talk to me and if you are prepared to listen then you will be able to talk to them as well.

Rescue dogs make the best pets.  They communicate their appreciation of being rescued in a variety of ways.  Mostly you see it in their eyes but their actions speak louder than any human words.  Their constant need to have you in their sight or touching you while they sleep are a couple of ways they let you know how much they love you.  

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Do You Have Health for Your Time Tomorrow?

I live in a world of miracles.  Every.  Single. Day.  Do you have any idea what that feels like?

Now many of you will nod and agree that life, in itself, is a daily miracle.  But I am one of those fortunate people who gets to experience outstanding miracles on a regular basis.  I get to be the recipient of hugs and I mean, really big tight hugs....when I have been able to give someone hope who has lost hope.

I am a health coach.  I have been one for thirty-five years.  I am also a symptomologist.  A WHAT?  I assess a client's symptoms and determine what nutrients they are missing in their diet that is causing distress.  So what in the world does that mean?


Friday, April 19, 2019

The Circle of Life is Simple and Complex

Ever notice that people say "Spring is Here!"  They also may say, "So glad winter is over!" and "Autumn is my favorite time of year."  I believe we often relate to the seasons of our lives in the same way.  Spring brings new birth after the dark days of winter.  The autumn of our lives is that time when we are slowing down but still enjoying the effects of summer, that exciting fun time of our lives.

Beautiful garden all around...and no WORK!

I especially enjoyed spring this year.  I have attempted to take a few moments each day to relax on the deck with a tall drink -- watching the dogs roll in the grass and raising their heads to smell the airwaves. It has been many years since I have had a yard allowing me to do this.  I KNOW! What did I ever do to deserve that?  The fruit trees are starting to sprout buds.  The berry bushes are bursting with new growth.  I have no clue what lurks beneath the topsoil but waiting with great anticipation.

Friday, April 12, 2019

Why Is It Taking So Long To Get There?

Many of us have read The Station by Robert J. Hastings at some point in our lives.  I have read it numerous times over the years.  It never gets old or dated.  It is always a fresh message.  It always bears repeating.  It is unadulterated truth.  Read it.  Think about it.  Pass it on.

The Station

Tucked away in our subconscious is an idyllic vision.  We see ourselves on a long trip that spans the continent.  We are traveling by train.  Out the windows we drink in the passing scene of cars on nearby highways, of children waving at a crossing, of cattle grazing on a distant hillside, of smoke pouring from a power plant, of row upon row of corn and wheat, of flatlands and valleys, of mountains and rolling hillsides, of city skylines and village halls.
