Saturday, March 9, 2019

Knocking Yourself Out About Mistakes Makes it Worse

How many 'if only' moments do we get?  If only I had not said that.  If only I had not gone there.  If only I had made a better choice.  If only I had called them.  If only I had made the effort to see them one last time.  If only.......

@BatteredHope   if only I had

Once we have said it..... it is spoken.
Once we have done is done.
Can we take back the words, undo the deed?  No.

Friday, March 8, 2019

Nothing Can Stop You - No Matter How Old You Are

 Nothing can stop you - no matter how old you are

How many times have you awakened in the morning and wondered what happened with the past three, four, five, six or seven decades?  Or have you looked into the mirror and felt it was unfair that life passed you by without giving you a chance to pursue the career you always wanted?  As much as some people look forward to retirement, what if you don’t have the income to maintain the lifestyle you have grown accustomed to?  Then there is the backdoor threat of Alzheimer’s.  You may wonder how you are going to stay alert and focused when your days may only be filled with volunteer community work or gardening.  Is your only option being a Walmart greeter?

Friday, February 15, 2019

Moving Twice in One Year -- Are You Insane?

Moving twice in one year is not something I would recommend.  Every move is major but some more major than others!  Although I purged when we moved last year, I was able to take a good look at what I was saving and purged even more this move.  

Christmas concert

It has been a whirlwind experience and took a few days to recover from.  While we were at my daughter's for a week at Christmas we got the call.  "There is an offer on your house and the sooner you can move out, the more it will be worth your while!"  In other words, an offer we couldn't refuse.  

Friday, February 1, 2019

What Would You Sacrifice for a Huge Reward?

The question posed for this month's challenge was:  

You have been offered the following challenge - to live in a tiny house, off grid, for a year and you will be rewarded with $100,000.  Will you do it?  Why or why not?

When I read this, I laughed out loud.  Not only would I do it -- but I already had.  When my hubby suggested we purchase property to build our dream home I was hesitant because it was far from the lifestyle I had grown accustomed to.  However, the potential of turning this into something far beyond that dream was exciting.  

We got up early to catch a ferry to a place I never heard of before.  Finding out that this was only the first of two ferries, each a 40 minute mini-cruise, with a long drive in between, was not a pleasant memory.  My doubts were building but I convinced myself to "Look first; then decide."

Friday, January 4, 2019

Do You Believe New Year's Resolutions Work?

new year's resolutions
When asked what my realistic
goals were for the new year, 
it brought up my dislike for 
New Year's resolutions.  

Even though I may have good
intentions, making a New Year's 
resolution rarely  works. 
The stats prove it.

I am a driven, motivated, hard-working woman who has daily, weekly, and monthly 
goals.  And I beat myself up severely if I don't attain those goals.  I am known to push 
myself to the limit to complete a task.  I run a few businesses and also travel
as a speaker which leaves me no choice but to be organized and focused.  In addition, 
my talk show and book tours are founded on the concept of never ever giving up.  
This is why I only make realistic goals that I know I can attain.
