Friday, October 19, 2018

Ever Have One Stress on Top of Another?

Ever feel like you are hitting your head against the wall -- especially when dealing with government agencies?  My life, my memoir, and my talk show all echo the same message -- I never quit.  "No" is a word rarely in my vocabulary especially when I experience an injustice.   

I sold an amplifier on eBay last May that the post office damaged extensively.  The man who purchased it mailed it back to me for a refund, RATHER than submit a damage report at his local PO.  Consequently, I was denied my claim of over $1,000.  I submitted three appeals and they were each turned down for the same reason.  The parcel was securely packed so that was not an issue.  It was denied strictly because the buyer jumped the gun and sent it back to me demanding a refund.  

I researched on how to take the PO to small claims court.  You can't.  I thought I had exhausted my resources after spending numerous hours on the phone with various branches of the claim department -- all to no avail.  Three strikes and you are out.  You can't submit another appeal.

Then I contacted the Attorney General of the US in D.C. and registered my complaint about three weeks ago.  Yesterday I received a phone call from the head office of the USPS and they said they were reopening the case; and after I submit the pictures, they will resolve this for me.

Friday, October 5, 2018

What is Your Biggest Regret You Would Like to Undo?

Are you one of those people who would rather have folks come visit you or you travel to visit them?  I certainly am!  I know part of my 'problem' is that I am a work addict and if people are visiting me, I can get up earlier than them and stay up later to complete tasks.  

For the same reason, going away on vacation has little appeal because I think of how far behind I will be when I return home.  Do I like being this way?  Nope!  How about you?  Would you rather go away and relax and not stress about getting behind in your work?  Or do you secretly work behind the 'scenes' while you have friends visiting?

When I was asked the question "If you took a dream vacation in reverse, who is the one person you would want to come to you and why?"  I would have to say very loud and clear:  "My family."  I have spent most of my adult life living far away from family and it is a major regret of mine.  How I would love to live near them and enjoy holidays and summer fun with them.  It is time lost and can never be regained.  

Friday, September 21, 2018

Who Should Care About Texting and Driving?

If you have ever canned vegetables, I am sure you can appreciate both the hard work and the excitement you feel when you look at the finished product.  You are excited that you actually FINISHED the endless job but elated that you have a year or two worth of homemade salsa.  


In the past I usually had a friend work with me but this year that was not an option and I feared taking on the task by myself.  But I was determined to can both salsa and stewed tomatoes.  After buying 150 pounds of tomatoes, it was a commitment.  I hate the taste of store bought canned food!

But wait -- 

Friday, September 7, 2018

Paperback or eBook - That is the Question

pocket paperback

Do you prefer reading a paperback or an eBook?  Why?  That question was posed to me as the secret subject of this blogging group.  I submitted a Facebook survey and appreciated the 148 responses.  I have condensed those reasons below.

Monday, September 3, 2018

It is All a Matter of Roots

I'm not much of a gardener.  In fact, I know very little about gardening but I do know that it is wonderful therapy for many people.  I don't understand gardening, yet I have learned a valuable lesson from a tree. 

Years ago, we lived on a large acreage and over the course of any summer, trees seemed to spring up out of nowhere.  It was as if they had some special magic like the seeds in the story, Jack and the Beanstalk.  In a matter of weeks, these alders would grow tall and if we didn't get rid of them, they would easily take over the road.

It was not difficult to eliminate them as they had a meager root system.  The tree could be several feet high with roots that were only a few inches deep.  If you leaned on them they would uproot.

Real Trees 'Know'

What I did not understand was why some trees took so long to grow and these grew so quickly. I asked an avid gardener friend and her response was, "Real trees know better than to go up until their roots have gone down.  Trees that last," she said, "have as many roots underground as they have branches above."

BAM!  That hit me hard.  It rang true when thinking about life and what matters.  I applied this concept when I share on optimum health.
