I sold an amplifier on eBay last May that the post office damaged extensively. The man who purchased it mailed it back to me for a refund, RATHER than submit a damage report at his local PO. Consequently, I was denied my claim of over $1,000. I submitted three appeals and they were each turned down for the same reason. The parcel was securely packed so that was not an issue. It was denied strictly because the buyer jumped the gun and sent it back to me demanding a refund.
I researched on how to take the PO to small claims court. You can't. I thought I had exhausted my resources after spending numerous hours on the phone with various branches of the claim department -- all to no avail. Three strikes and you are out. You can't submit another appeal.
Then I contacted the Attorney General of the US in D.C. and registered my complaint about three weeks ago. Yesterday I received a phone call from the head office of the USPS and they said they were reopening the case; and after I submit the pictures, they will resolve this for me.