Friday, August 7, 2015

Do You Have It All? Are You Happy?

If someone were to ask you if you 'have it all'  or "How happy are you?" do you know how you would answer?  Would you answer quickly with "Of course, I'm happy"  or would you think about it for a moment and then say "Yes, I am as happy as I could hope to be."

There are actual Happiness Quizzes you can take online which were developed by psychologists to help you determine your state of mind.  Personally, I don't need to take a quiz to read my happiness thermometer.  
Happy thermometor

Even when we go through dark times we can focus on the good in our lives; things we are grateful for, and look to better times ahead. The 'attitude of gratitude' buzz on the internet over the past couple years has certainly made more people aware that we need to daily remind ourselves of what is good and positive in our lives.

Friday, July 24, 2015

If You Quit, You'll Never Know if You Would Have Made It

This past month is a blur.  It is hard to believe that less than a week ago, my world shifted on its axis. Has that ever happened to you?  Sometimes our lives change in an instant; it could be a good thing..... or not so good.

I have had more than the allotted amount of difficult times that any one person should have to endure in a lifetime. Yet, almost daily, I am reminded that I am blessed and more fortunate than millions of other people.

There is good stress and bad stress.  Sometimes they are equally difficult to handle.  After years of things going wrong, discouragement after discouragement, shattered dreams and broken promises, I became conditioned to question everything, not trusting; yet never giving up hope that someday, somehow, somewhere, it would be my turn.   Often it would take every ounce of effort I could muster to get up in the morning and make it through another day.

Putting one foot in front of the other seemed a greater feat than I might be able to accomplish.  I had to stay strong.  It was a constant battle.

Monday, July 20, 2015

To Flash or Not to HOT Flash - That is the Question

Hot flashes.  Dry skin.  Night Sweats.  Insomnia.  Mood swings. Hair loss.  Memory loss.   It has been suggested that Baby Boomer's hot flashes are causing Global Warming!

Sound familiar?  There are many posts written about menopause. Most of them are humorous yet packed with information on how to survive the numerous symptoms and body changes. 

I beg you not to roll your eyes at me but when I read and comment on these posts, I feel ostracized as if I am some kind of weirdo or liar.  I am told I am one of the "lucky" ones.  I am acutely aware of the list of symptoms that are common to menopausal women.  I often wondered why we don't find posts about women who have not had to deal with these negatives.  Do some women bypass them or could there be another reason?

Friday, July 17, 2015

10 Reasons to Skip Summer

Yes, I'm one of those inconsiderate people who likes the cold when everyone around me is freezing. Even in the winter time, I like my home cool.  The living room is the only room in the house that is heated. No matter how cold it is outside, we sleep with the windows open and the fan blowing.  No, I am not hot flashing - we just prefer living in cool temperatures.

My friends know that I don't own a winter jacket.  They offered to loan me one when I visited my daughter in the Arctic a couple years ago. I reluctantly took it with me for the trip, but I never zipped it closed – the temperature was a balmy MINUS 30 degrees. At that temperature, it doesn't matter if it is Fahrenheit or Celsius – your breath freezes in mid-air. Barely fazed me. Always been this way.

I grew up in Midwest USA.  Over 40 years ago the man I chose to spend the rest of my life with informed me he wanted to move to the West Coast.

“Don't believe what you read, it rarely rains in Seattle” he lied. Blinded by love, I believed him and helped to fulfill his desire to live and die near the ocean.

I realized very quickly that it rained a lot more than I had even imagined, but it didn't matter because the bonus to living here was the summers were cool. 

Thursday, July 9, 2015

When You Hear a Song, What Memories Come to Your Mind?

How often do you hear a song that triggers a memory of something from your past? Sometimes the memory may be good and sometimes not so good.  You may remember your first kiss or your first heartbreak   But every time you hear the song, you think of the person you were with that made it special or...not so much.

I love Rock 'n Roll.  I love Black Gospel.  I love the Blues.  Most other music I can do without, but that's just me.  We are all different just as the music with memory triggers are unique to us.   I grew up in Mo Town U S A - Detroit, Michigan.  Need I say more?

Growing up in the fifties with strict parents, I was not allowed to listen to the trending music.  I bought a transistor radio for $1 and would hide in my clothes closet and listen to the songs with the radio next to my ear.  Listening to Chubby Checker and doing the Twist was not an easy feat in my closet.

After graduation, I loved the Sonny and Cher show.  The guy I was dating called me "Babe." The show is long gone, but the memory is triggered when I hear:
