Monday, September 3, 2018

It is All a Matter of Roots

I'm not much of a gardener.  In fact, I know very little about gardening but I do know that it is wonderful therapy for many people.  I don't understand gardening, yet I have learned a valuable lesson from a tree. 

Years ago, we lived on a large acreage and over the course of any summer, trees seemed to spring up out of nowhere.  It was as if they had some special magic like the seeds in the story, Jack and the Beanstalk.  In a matter of weeks, these alders would grow tall and if we didn't get rid of them, they would easily take over the road.

It was not difficult to eliminate them as they had a meager root system.  The tree could be several feet high with roots that were only a few inches deep.  If you leaned on them they would uproot.

Real Trees 'Know'

What I did not understand was why some trees took so long to grow and these grew so quickly. I asked an avid gardener friend and her response was, "Real trees know better than to go up until their roots have gone down.  Trees that last," she said, "have as many roots underground as they have branches above."

BAM!  That hit me hard.  It rang true when thinking about life and what matters.  I applied this concept when I share on optimum health.

Saturday, August 25, 2018

Why Does Anxiety Make It Difficult to Function?

Text Therapy
The image that comes to mind when people think about therapy is of a person sitting on a couch talking to someone who is taking notes.  A new type of therapy that is being recognized as ideal in many situations and has numerous benefits is called text therapy. 

One of the most important factors of the effectiveness of this type of therapy is the company which offers it.  Talkspace offers the most effective mobile therapy solution for people.  With Talkspace online therapy, anyone can get therapy without traveling to an office – and for significantly less money than traditional therapy

How many times did you find yourself in a position where you wish you had someone to talk to – someone who would understand – someone who could help?  How often did you need that person to be available right NOW?

Friday, August 24, 2018

How Can Such A Wonderful Season Wreck Havoc

Summer is winding down -- none too quick for me.  Never liked summer.  Like it even less since it has been exceptionally dry and hot the past few years.  There is no outside watering allowed - of any kind - this year.  The car wash is closed.  Kids can't ride their dirt bikes or any type of vehicle that could render a spark.  Watering of gardens is prohibited.

The Pacific North West is not supposed to get the extreme temperatures like we have endured the past few years.  Few businesses and almost no homes have air conditioning even though the temperatures have been in the 80s and 90s for weeks.

But the saddest part is the wild fires that are out of control destroying everything in their paths.  Towns being evacuated, homes burning down, people losing their lives.

Pacific North West fires 2018

The smoke is so thick in the air that you can't see the forest or the mountains.  In fact, it is like driving through a fog.  The air quality level is over 10; off the charts.  When I walk my dogs every morning my feet get covered in black soot.  Anyone with lung or breathing issues is having great difficulty.  We need rain.  We are praying for rain.  We need relief.

Friday, August 10, 2018

Do High School Memories Make You Shudder?

Mackenzie High School
Mackenzie High School Detroit

When asked what my favorite school memory was I shuddered.  Favorite.  School.  Memory.  I couldn't think of one.   

I did well in school with excellent grades but school is as much about socializing as it is about academics.  Socially, I was an outcast and had few friends.  I grew up in a legalistic home where anything fun was not allowed.  I loved my parents dearly and did not rebel but I realized that they were imposing their convictions on me and I felt that wasn't fair.

Girls Basketball

The best way to sum it up is to relay a vivid memory with you.  It was gym class.  First of all I hated gym.  I have never been nor do I want to be athletic except for basketball.  I was our team's star player and the memories on that court make me smile - especially the free throws.  I could do them backwards and still make the basket. But it was only a small portion of the whole school picture and the negative memories certainly outweighed the positive ones.

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

When Should You Get a Restart Button?

When Should You Get a Restart Button?

Many of us have read The Station by Robert J. Hastings at some point in our lives.  It never gets old or dated.  It is always a fresh message.  It always bears repeating.  It is unadulterated truth.  Read it.  Think about it.  Here is a portion:

"Tucked away in our subconscious is an idyllic vision.  We see ourselves on a long trip that spans the continent.  We are traveling by train.  Out the windows we drink in the passing scene of cars on nearby highways, of children waving at a crossing, of cattle grazing on a distant hillside, of smoke pouring from a power plant, of row upon row of corn and wheat, of flat lands and valleys, of mountains and rolling hillsides, of city skylines and village halls.

But uppermost in our minds is the final destination.  Bands will be playing and flags waving.  Once we get there our dreams will come true, and the pieces of our lives will fit together like a jigsaw puzzle.  How restlessly we pace aisles, cursing the minutes for loitering - waiting, waiting, waiting for the station."

Friday, July 20, 2018

What Were Your Best Summer Memories from Your Childhood?

As a child, summer was something you looked forward to all year long.  Longer days to play outside.  Ice cream.  The beach.  Summer Camp.  NO school.  Picnics.  Road trips to visit cousins.  Playing board games on the front porch that lasted for days.  Playing in the rain.

As an adult, summer is much different.  Working.  Working inside.  Dieting so you can fit into that bathing suit.  Taking the kids camping and being the one who does all the cooking, clean-up, planning.  Forgetting how much you enjoyed the heat when you were 90 pounds young.  Hating it now.  

Regardless, summer does have its moments and my best ones are spending time with the grands.    

"Ready to go for a walk, Gramma"                 


Friday, July 6, 2018

How Important is Your Freedom?

ArrestFreedom: The definition of freedom can certainly mean different things to different people.  Essentially it is the power or right to act, speak or think as one wants to without restraint.  

Sometimes we are bound by circumstances out of our control.  When I was arrested I knew the officials had made a mistake and the truth would come out.  BUT.....when you are locked in a room and realize you have no rights or freedoms, your mind races and fear can overtake your thoughts.  (Read that story here)

Broken marriage

Some people feel bound in a marriage/relationship and spend every waking moment either planning their escape or figuring out how to survive while 'incarcerated.'  Unfortunately, it is a negative state to exist in and often leads to fear, depression and even disease.  

Friday, June 29, 2018

11 Reasons Why You Should (NOT) Have a Dog as a Pet

Do you wonder whether or not you should get a dog?  You weigh the pros and cons and think about all the work....... I am sure there are circumstances where someone does not want to have a dog in their life, but I can't imagine life without a four-legged fur baby.  Some people have stated they will never get another dog when their dog passes over the rainbow.

old dog
I have rescued over 30 dogs and when one dies it is always devastating.  They can become such a major part of your life and member of your family.  But for every dog you may lose, there are hundreds of precious ones who need a home.  For the love of dogs everywhere......if you are wondering whether you should invite a dog into your are some reasons to welcome this four-legged family member:
alarm clock dog

1.  You will no longer need an alarm clock.  Dogs have internal clocks with alarms that go off right
