Saturday, November 19, 2016

Do You Need a Dose of Inspiration?

This inspirational story has been around social media for some time but I do not know it's origin.  I can guarantee you that the story will cause you to pause and think about how you look at and approach your own life.  Take a moment to read and share it. How much easier our lives would be if we all approached it with eyes wide open.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

What is Your Secret to Life?

Everyone wants to live longer and we spend a lot of money trying to find the secrets to living a longer life. We buy potions, pills, creams and exercise equipment - all in an effort to maintain or regain our youth. We spend a great deal of our hard earned money to look younger. Some of it works, but most of it does not.

Live longer

I have six living uncles and aunts and the YOUNGEST is 90 years old. I have always maintained that the harder you work, the younger you feel. Even though TODAY is my (you can guess the number :) birthday, I  work harder than I did 25 years ago.  I love to be busy which helps me to think younger, act younger and look younger, Yes, longevity runs in my family, but more importantly there are some underlying facts that we put into practice.

What you feed will grow
What you starve will die

Monday, October 24, 2016

Are You Fed Up With Political Views on Personal Blogs?

I am confident that 99.99% of the bloggers in the worldwide blogosphere have made on-line acquaintances of varying descriptions.  In the 'real' world, we may have a variety of friends but on-line ones are completely different......... yet very much the same!
I love my on-line friends

We can be extremely intimate with our on-line friends, but may never meet them.  They may be from every corner of the globe - from India to Africa to North America, Australia, Europe and everywhere in between.  The possibilities for relationships are endless.

Friday, October 21, 2016

How Can Dumb Criminals Get Away With It?

When you have been married for a couple decades or more, you tend to know exactly what to say and when to say it -- to your spouse. You understand how they think and also what irritates them.  You also learn when to keep your mouth shut. It may get easier over the years but there are those moments you simply must  take the plunge.

Hubby was complaining about something insignificant.  In fact, I can't even remember what it was; but after he finished, I calmly said, "Would you like to switch jobs?"

Dead Silence.  Nothing.  Then a big smile, "No, that's O K.  I've seen your job.  I don't want it. You are awesome at all you do."

Guess that's one way to draw out a compliment!

Friday, October 14, 2016

How Do You Say Goodbye to Your Furry Friend of 13 years

Each day we live with our furry friends, we love them more. Every day we grow to appreciate them more. Yet, in the back of our minds, we are fully aware that they have a short lifespan compared to ours and that the day will come when we need to say goodbye. It is never easy. No matter how many times we have to go through it, it never gets easier.

I have been rescuing dogs for many years and also have adopted some who have not been abused. Louis Vuitton was one of those. He came into our lives when he was a puppy. He was a gift to our daughter, Rochelle, for her 17th. birthday. The young man who gave Louie to Rohelle is now our son-in-law. She and her hubby have also rescued numerous dogs. I have shared many of their stories here. When Louie came into our lives, we had our beloved black Lab, Mercedez. Louie adored Mercedez as he did all the rescues we brought home.

Friday, October 7, 2016

Are You the Same Person You Were a Year Ago?

Past or future
Are you the same person you were a year ago?  Have your views or opinions changed? 

There are often times in our lives when we feel like the world is crashing in around us and are overwhelmed with the drama in our lives.  There are other times when we may feel that life just couldn't get any better.  I have experienced both as many of you have as well.  

Someone dear to me jokingly often said,  "One thing is certain: If things don't change they will stay the same."  But I think you will agree that that is not true.  Everything changes. People. Circumstances. Everything.  One thing that must remain constant in our lives is our focus and our positive attitude.  This is crucial.  

Thursday, September 29, 2016

How Do You Motivate Yourself?


We all experience many types of external motivation which can look nothing like a motivational pep talk. 

Actually, most of the motivation we receive is not obvious. We rely on friends, books, family, luck, achievements and social pressures to tell us what to do and to keep us doing it.

Friday, September 23, 2016

Do You Want Your Kids To Follow Your Example?

Whether we like it or not, our lives are mirrors to our children. Often their actions are a direct reflection of the example they see in us.  When they say or do something that makes us smile inside, we know the message we have tried to instill in them has taken root.

Thomas' first day of school.  I was surprised that four-year-olds now went to school for the WHOLE day.

Daughter Rochelle was at the bank with 4-year-old Thomas and baby Aubrie.  As he does in every public place, Thomas introduced himself to the bank teller, who was a woman of color.  In the small town where they live, Thomas rarely sees anyone with a different color of skin.

"Hi, my name is Thomas.  What's yours?"  Smiling the teller replied and Thomas proceeded to introduce the rest of his family....which he does every time.

"This is my mommy and my little sister, Brie."  Then with an intent look at the teller, he continued.  "Brie likes all people."

Anyone within hearing distance smiled and nodded.

Made My Month!
