Everyone wants to live longer and we spend a lot of money trying to find the secrets to living a longer life. We buy potions, pills, creams and exercise equipment - all in an effort to maintain or regain our youth. We spend a great deal of our hard earned money to look younger. Some of it works, but most of it does not.
I have six living uncles and aunts and the YOUNGEST is 90 years old. I have always maintained that the harder you work, the younger you feel. Even though TODAY is my (you can guess the number :) birthday, I work harder than I did 25 years ago. I love to be busy which helps me to think younger, act younger and look younger, Yes, longevity runs in my family, but more importantly there are some underlying facts that we put into practice.
What you feed will grow
What you starve will die

My daddy taught me that whatever I feed will grow and whatever I starve will die. I can choose to feed my faith or to feed my fear. That choice is strictly mine alone. Sometimes it is difficult to look at the positive or to expect a good outcome of a burdensome situation. It takes work to look on the bright side and believe everything will work out.
Another important 'rule'
You want to live a long and healthy life? PLAN ON IT. Just that simple. Plan on it. You have to plan to live a long time and plan your future, short term and long term. Dream about the future no matter what terrible things lie in your past. No matter what has happened, dream about tomorrow. You can't change yesterday but you CAN change tomorrow. The less you dwell on the past, the more you will dwell on your future. The future is always brighter.
Your future STOPS when you stop planning your future.
If you spend five minutes with me, whether in person or on-line, you will quickly realize that I am an advocate for animals. I have rescued over 30 dogs, who all became members of our family. There is a great amount of research that has been done connecting having pets and living a long life. Many of you can relate and know that animals enrich your life in a multitude of ways.
Your attitude is CRUCIAL
Attitude is crucial to long life. Instead of dwelling on what is wrong with your present state, start thinking about all the good in your life. Instead of talking about your current woes, talk about how bright your future is looking. Find things to be thankful for and see how much better you feel.
In a recent interview I was asked: When all is said and done, how do you want to be remembered? This is not necessarily an easy question. I only had a moment to think about it and there were many things I could have said. Pondering my answer later, I believe I spoke from my heart when I responded with - I want to be remembered as someone who always went the second mile. Someone who never backed down from a fight to bring justice and resolution but also someone who gave of herself to help others in every situation.
Your passion today could be your security tomorrow
God only knows how long I will live but I'm excited about planning my future. Always think about tomorrow and you won't lose sight of today. Start planning your future today!
My brother is 78 years young and still managing his business - full time. He loves classic cars. They are his passion. Yesterday's treasures are a serious part of his future. He loves to buy them, restore them and sell them. I have a few in my collection as well. They are part of my past that is paying for my future.
What is your secret to life?
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