Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Do You Have Trouble Finishing What You Started?

Do you struggle with finishing a project?  Do you have a great idea and then run into obstacles and shelve it, rather than finish it?  Do you sometimes get discouraged because you run into hurdles and can't seem to figure out how to complete the task?

I want to encourage you to do whatever it takes to fulfill that dream you had.  I speak from experience as most of my life I have been battered, beaten, broken and had more shattered dreams than any one person should have to endure.  But HOLD ON...You can do it!
Battered Hope

Keep your focus.  Don't forget the dream.  Never forget in the darkness what you have seen in the light.  You will be rewarded.  Sometimes it may not be as quickly as you had hoped but perseverance pays off.

After years of struggling in a variety of arenas, I am finally seeing the fruit of all my labor.  Yes, there were many times when I felt it just wasn't worth it, but I assure you, it will be!

It took me ten years to write my memoir and it was not for lack of desire or time.  It was because it was so painful.  But when it finally went to print, doors of opportunity to write and to speak have poured into my life.

As difficult as it is to believe, all the pain and ugliness of the past can be turned into something good. We need to be tenacious with our dreams, our goals and see them through to the end.

WHAT IF??????

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Does This Make Sense To You?

I never met a dog I didn't like love.  Give me five minutes with any dog and I will create a life-long bond.  After years of rescuing dogs - over 30 so far - I can't imagine life without at least one in the house. My daughter has six at the moment - the acorn doesn't fall far....

Dogs make me laugh -- every single day.  When you learn to speak 'dog' they will tell you what you want to hear -- "I love you.  I have always loved you.  I will always love you.  Nothing else matters."

A bachelor friend of ours loves dogs as much as we do and has always maintained it is easier to date a woman and come home to his four-legged furry friend than to be married.  WHAT?

Admit it -- I bet some of you have thought that.   And here are some reasons why.......

1.  The later you come home, the more excited the dog is to see you.  You don't have to have an excuse or an explanation.  Giving a dog a pat on the head and a treat will make them forget you were ever gone at all.

Nayla, Rocky, Charlie (in diaper) and Kei

2.  Dogs don't care if you call them by another name.  They probably won't even notice.   The tone of your voice tells them you care about them above any other dog.  And if food is part of the equation.....nothing else matters.

3.  Dogs like it if you leave a lot of things on the floor.  They don't care if the house is tidy or if you left your dirty underwear on the floor.  In fact, they like it.

dog on dirty laundry

4.  A dog's parents NEVER visit.  'Nuf said.

Friday, March 18, 2016

Do You Stay Calm During Stressful Situations?



"Can you and daddy make me a boy one -- just like my sweetie girl?"

How do you answer that?  Rochelle said she would talk to daddy.......

I adore watching how my 4-year-old grandson loves his new little sister.  Before she was born, William made it exquisitely clear that if mommy and daddy had a boy baby, to PUT HIM BACK.  He only wanted a sister.

William and Aubrie
Now, he wants another sibling.  He begs to hold her and cuddle with her.   How long do you think that will last?  We can hope....forever.

It is hard to believe that she is a month old already and in a moment I will be recalling at her high school graduation, "Seems like yesterday I held Aubrie in my arms, welcoming her into this world."

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

BEWARE - Email Warnings

THANK YOU, yes each and every one of you who have sent me educational emails over the past few months.  I am totally messed up now and have little chance of recovery.

Newly Acquired Fears

I can no longer open a bathroom door without using a paper towel, nor let the waitress put lemon slices in my ice water without worrying about the bacteria on the lemon peel.

chain letter warning

Monday, March 7, 2016

How Often Do You Ask Yourself This Question?

How often do you wonder if you locked the front door?  Or turned down the heat?  Or closed the garage door?

If I got a nickel for every time I went back to check if I had done something, I would be a rich woman. I am not sure if it is an "aging" symptom because I believe I have always done this. And my daughter does the same thing.  

Did I unplug the curling iron?  Did I remember my keys?  Did I turn off the coffee pot?

Think of the time we waste going back to check.  Can you relate?

I am here to tell you I have found the solution!  You never have to worry about it again.  It is a sure proof way of remembering.

Loud enough for you to hear it.  

"I closed the garage door!"  That's a big one for me and saves me driving around the block to check before proceeding down the street.

It works EVERY time.  When you hear yourself saying it, you remember.  It's also a good excuse for talking to yourself -- as long as no one hears you, you should be okay.  And if they do hear you, maybe they'll start doing it as well and then we will all be talking to ourselves out loud.

How about trying to remember a list?

The best trick for trying to remember a list of things; whether it is a grocery list or a to-do list is to turn it into a sentence.

You need to remember to stop at the pet store, the bank, the grocery store for chicken and toilet paper.

"The dog wants chicken for dinner as long as you stop at the bank and get the toilet paper first."

Now, wasn't that easy?  Walk around saying that out loud long enough and they may be coming after you in their white coats; but at least. you will have your memory intact.

Photos courtesy of quotesgram.com and beatingtrauma.com

Friday, March 4, 2016

What Do You Hate About Spring?

Can you name five things you hate about Spring and why you feel that way?  When I was asked that question, it took a long time for me to come up with an answer.  

Hate spring

I searched the web and realized many people do not like Spring for a variety of reasons. Here are a few:
  • Spring cleaning
  • Window washing
  • Cleaning the garage
  • Gardening
  • Allergies
  • Going on a diet to fit into the new swimsuit
That was little help.  I don't spring clean.  I'm pretty anal about keeping my house, garage, yard, drawers, and closets in order so the need to purge is not relevant.

In fact, I have written about why I don't clean my house.  I found the secret on how to stop cleaning and share it here.  

Many women my age have come to realize that dieting is overrated.  Being comfortable with your body and enjoying all food -- that's way more fun!

Window washing -- that's a tough one and really does need to be done regularly.  I trade a service for THAT service and viola - it gets done.  

Gardening -- if I had my way about it, I would have a lawn of pebbles or cement.  I enjoy everyone's garden but not the least bit interested in maintaining my own.  So, that is one service I will splurge on and have a gentleman cut my lawn and eat weeds, each week.  

Allergies -- never had them so that's not an issue.

B U T......
I was supposed to share what I hate about Spring so here is my list

Summer is not far behind.  I loathe the heat and have good reasons.  I know many people agree with me on this one.  For a good laugh and 10 reasons to skip summer all together, click here.
Airfares go up dramatically.  It is common practice for airlines to hike their prices during Spring Break -- and totally unfair for those who travel regularly.
Time 'marches' on.  Inevitably when March rolls around and summer is not far behind, the realization that another year is going by rapidly is shocking.  I do most of my Christmas shopping during Spring and Summer sales so it makes it appear even closer to the end of another year. Here's 11 ways to avoid the Christmas rush altogether.


That's all I was able to come up with -- sorry.  What about YOU?

Spring is such a beautiful time of year when you see the new birth of plants, the smell of fresh flowers, hearing baby birds chirping and touching my brand new grand daughter's soft cheeks.  This is what makes Spring special but I still want to skip SUMMER.

Do you have reasons to hate Spring or any other season?

Photo courtesy of groupthink.kinja.com

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Can You Solve Any of These 9 Mysteries?

PLEASE.  HELP.  I need answers and possibly you have the right ones!  Most of us wonder about 'stuff' and never really get a proper answer.  I am hoping you can help me answer some of the things I have not been able to figure out.

1.  Why do people have those "Baby on Board" stickers on the rear window of their car?  One argument for the sign is that in case of an accident, paramedics would be alerted that there is a child in the car.  Another one is to warn drivers not to drive too closely to the vehicle with a child inside.

baby in car badge
Poppycock!  First of all, if the paramedics are depending on a sticker on the rear window to tell them whether or not there is a child on board, that is pathetic.  What if the sticker is there but the child stayed home?  Will they keep looking until they find the child?

Secondly, it has been proven that bumper stickers of any type cause people to drive closer to the car in front of them so they can READ the sticker.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

And the Winner is....

grand children
Big brother told his mom
If you don't give me a sister
Put it back!

Aubrie Jeanne born February 13, 2016, 8 pounds, 14 ounces is a little miracle addition to our family. Aubrie's grandma (yours truly) was a miracle baby, Aubrie's mommy was a miracle baby and now little Aubrie is a miracle as well. Every life born is a miracle in the truest sense of the word, but when doctors say it cannot happen and everything goes wrong......what a miracle indeed.  

 Less than an hour old -- yet with ATTITUDE
Gramma and Aubrie

And the winner is..........
