Friday, January 24, 2020

Do Dogs Know When it is Time to Say Goodbye?

No matter how much we prepare ourselves for the inevitable, it is extremely difficult to say good-bye to our furry friends. Even more difficult is making the decision as to when - do we wait a month, a week, or does it have to be today?

Rainbow bridge
Gunner's time was approaching and I prayed that he would let me know when it was time. He did. 

Around eight in the evening, he started to pace and then stand in a corner for a few minutes. He did this all night and I stayed up with him. The first vet appointment available was at three in the afternoon. As much as his human daddy wanted to be there his schedule didn't permit; I had to go alone. 

Gunner's doctor took one look at him and then back at me. There was no need for an examination. "I'll give Gunner a shot that is incredibly fast-acting. He will be gone in a matter of seconds but you can hold him as long as you want to stay with him." I did. 

Friday, December 20, 2019

What Do You Do When You Are Blindsided and Can't See A Solution?

Three going on....?
"Have you noticed how much happier everyone is this time of year?"  Someone asked me that the other day and frankly, I was a bit shocked.

I witness the opposite each year. Maybe it is because we are in retail business and people are regularly complaining -- not enough time or money to do what they need to do.  In general, people are impatient and grumpier than the rest of the year - hands down. 

Stress is over the top for many people at Christmas time. Personally, I find this time of year relaxing as I am prepared at least a month or two in advance. My goal is to have all the gifts wrapped and baking done by November.

Friday, November 22, 2019

How to Know When It Is Time to Say Good-bye

November is my birthday month but celebrating it has never been a priority. My mom was very ill my entire childhood and spent most of her life in bed fighting a debilitating disease. Birthday parties were out of the question. I often hoped my mom would forget my birthday so she would not have to feel guilty if she was not well enough to bake a cake or buy me a present.

Consequently, I often forget my birthday if I am busy or forget to check the calendar. Yet, I love birthday celebrations and try not to forget those special days for family and friends. And even if I may forget... my family always remembers.

I often wondered:  Why don't we celebrate our mothers on our birthdays?  After all, they did all the work!
Fall is here

Friday, October 18, 2019

Do You Talk to Yourself When You Do Something Stupid?

Do you talk to yourself when you do something stupid?  

"Why did you do that?"  

Then you continue by answering yourself:  "I don't know.  I can't believe I did that."

I have had a few of these conversations this month and they went something like this:

My spaghetti sauce had been cooking all day and I was ready to boil the pasta.  Removing the lid of the pasta pan, I almost fell over from the stench.  The bottom of the pan was covered in mold.  Under the layers of mold it appeared I failed to wash the pan the last time I made pasta.  

"How did that happen?  How is that even possible?  Someone else must have done that."

I'd post the picture but it isn't pretty -- just take my word for it.  Here's a picture of the pasta instead.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Are You Confident the Supplements You Take Will Not Harm You?

Do you care what is in your vitamins?  Do you think it matters? It matters enough that it could mean the difference between life and death.  I choose life -- what about you?

I know I would not be alive today if I had not done my research 40 years ago and switched to a safe brand.  I had been diagnosed with cancer and turned to nutrition for help.

This is week five of my series on how we are being conned by numerous vitamin and pharmaceutical companies that claim their products are the best; the safest.   Don't be easily fooled.  There are a few simple questions you can ask about your brand to determine if you are being conned.  This is the purpose of these posts.  I recommend you start with Week One to get the full picture.

Week One:  Do you want health for your time tomorrow?  Click here 

Week Two:  Does your brand produce vitamins with the life factor intact?  Or are they over-processed and of little value?  Click here

Week Three:  Simple Test to see if your vitamins are toxic or not  Click here  

Week Four:  Don’t be a victim of the dirty dozen – what should NEVER be in your supplements    Click here

Week Five:  If this scares you, it is time to do some research and make a change.  Click here

What is the difference between Kosher and Certified Organic and should you care? Kosher requirements are far more stringent than Certified Organic.  Isn't your body worth the best?  Without getting technical about the differences, here are a couple basic reasons to use Kosher vitamins.
kosher vitamins

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Are You Scared Yet? You Should Be

World's Greatest Con Job -- It Gets Scarier

Does it really matter how old or how young we are?  Shouldn't each of us be concerned about our health?  Don't we all want to live fuller, healthier lives?

This is week five of my series on how we are being conned by numerous vitamin and pharmaceutical companies that their products are the best; the safest.  There are a few simple questions you can ask about your brand to determine if you are being conned.  That is the purpose of these posts.

Week One:  Do you want health for your time tomorrow?  Click here 

Friday, September 20, 2019

How Do You Manage Your Time?

Each of us is given 24 hours a day to spend any way we want -- aside from obligations, commitments, jobs, family, promises, or responsibilities.  If we are fortunate enough to have any spare time......we can have some fun!

Recently someone told me that there is 'scientific' research proving that time is moving faster in the past decade.  I have a difficult time wrapping my brain around that.  There are still 60 seconds in a minute.  But, I have to agree, those minutes seem to be racing around the clock.

I thought To-Do lists were supposed to get shorter but mine seems to grow every day.  Anyone else agree?

It seems no matter how hard we work or how much we accomplish, those times with family are the ones that have the greatest rewards -- the ones we remember the longest -- the ones we photograph.

Having my daughter and grandkids visit for a full week (not once but TWICE this summer) gave me incredible memories to reflect on during the busiest times.

I have a deep drawer in my office where I store their toys.  Brie walked in the front door and before saying anything she ran into my office to get the toys.  This is her surprised look when she saw what Gramma bought her.  I was saving it for a rainy day but......

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Is Honesty Still the Best Policy?

A story worth remembering, thinking about and repeating......  

A successful businessman was growing old and knew it was time to choose a successor to take over the business.  Instead of choosing one of his Directors or his children, he decided to do something different and called all the young executives in his company together.

He said "It is time for me to step down and choose the next CEO.  I have decided to choose one of you."  The young executives were shocked as the boss continued.  "I am going to give each one of you a seed today.  This is one very SPECIAL seed.  I want you to plant the seed, water it, and come back here one year from today with what you have grown from this seed.  I will then judge the plants that you bring, and the one I choose will be the next CEO."
