Sunday, October 15, 2017

Are You Being Fooled by Your Supplement Company?

Are there days when you feel sick and tired of feeling sick and tired?  Can you imagine waking up every day feeling rested and great?  You can realize optimum health.  It is feasible and within your reach.

I am a registered symptomatologist (one who studies the sets of symptoms relative to a medical condition) and certified health coach who has been steering people towards optimum health for 35 years.  It’s important to boost your immune system in order to heal current disease and prevent future disease. 

After curing my own cancer when told I would die over 35 years ago, I have made it my life's mission to help as many people as I can to realize optimum health.  My offer to you is that I will assess your health questionnaire and give my suggestions at no obligation to you.


Thursday, October 12, 2017

Do You Applaud Good Behavior and Ignore the Bad?

Children playing

The older I get the more I seem to love the sound of children playing.  Sitting in my living room on any given late evening in summer, I delight in the squeals and interactions of children playing outside.  Skipping rope, riding bikes, playing hide and seek in the dusk all bring back memories of when my kids were growing up.

However, please tell me if I am alone in this -- when I hear kids yelling at their parents, swearing at each other and their parents, screaming in rebellion for any number of things, that is a whole different scenario.  I would never have tolerated it as a young parent and I certainly would never tolerate it if my grands did that.
Children in restaurant
Grandson with his main squeeze

Friday, October 6, 2017

If Only You Had Not Made That Mistake, Then What?

Battered Hope
This is a Secret Subject Swap blogging challenge.  Each month a group of bloggers is given a secret challenge to interpret in their own way.  The challenges are just that -- to make you step out of your comfort zone and share your thoughts about that subject in a new way.

My challenge this month gripped my heart.  It would take a book to be able to answer it but then again, that is why I wrote my memoir.  Battered Hope was written about so many traumas in my own life so other people would be able to relate to me on a variety of levels.   

Here is the question posed to me this month and my answer is in the form of other questions:
Has there ever been a time in your life where, in the heat of the moment, you would have literally sold your soul for a different outcome if it was an actual possibility and not just a phrase?

Friday, September 22, 2017

Is There A Secret to Stop Doing Stupid Things?

shower stallSometimes I do dumb things.  At the time they don't seem so stupid, but hindsight is a great teacher.  I was speaking at a conference for three days last month and was hosted in a beautiful home.  After arriving at my destination, I wanted to wash my hair quickly and assumed the bathtub was the best place to do that.  I knelt on a throw rug and s t r e t c h e d my neck to reach the bathtub faucet.  About an inch shy of the faucet, I stretched some more by "standing" on my tip toes.  There!  I could do this!

cracked ribs

BUT.....the rug slipped out from under me and I landed on the metal edge of the shower track on the tub.  I heard the noise and before the pain set in, I said out loud "NO!"  I heard my ribs crack.  My mind raced wondering how I was going to stand in high heels while speaking each day for a few hours let alone carry boxes of my books into the venue.

I managed and no one noticed.  But when I got home and relaxed later that week, the pain intensified.  Funny how that works.

I was excited to be featured in Chicken Soup for the Soul's Newsletter at this event.  I was selling my books as well as the Chicken Soup ones I have written a contribution.

Does one dumb thing lead to another?

Friday, August 18, 2017

What is the Best Way to Avoid the Heat? Toilet Paper?

Baby in toilet paper
There are many people who truly enjoy the heat.....I'm not one of them.  I start dreading summer in early spring and then become thankful for every day that is NOT hot. But, this year, those days were short-lived as we have had record breaking temperatures (in the North West) along with a drought.  There is no green left in this rain forest.  It is brown. No rain for months.

My complaint is not just founded on how ill I feel when the temperature is over 72 degrees but mostly on the threat of wild fires.  When there are wild fires in the desert, it is completely different than when they are in the rain forest.  One spark can trigger devastation for huge areas as we are so heavily treed.  My daughter's home is surrounded by acres of trees and the property behind her recently succumbed to a fire.  There are over 125 fires raping these forests right now.  

Did I mention that when you live in the rain forest few homes, and most businesses do NOT have air conditioning -- so there is no escape.  Looks like my grandbaby has the right idea -- no clothes!

On a humorous side, here is why I hate  dislike abhor can't tolerate summer......CLICK here for 10 Reasons To Skip Summer.

Outside of working like crazy meeting writing deadlines this month and interviewing incredible guests on my show, I did get some quality time with the grandbabies.

Mini Boss and company

My daughter asked that I travel to the city and babysit William and Aubrie in a hotel while she attended a celebration of life event for her friend's mom.  It was a hoot helping Rochelle and her girlfriends get ready for the 1980's event which included music from that era and dancing.  

There isn't much to do in a hotel located downtown in a large city, so I had the kids (5 years and 1 year) run races down the hall of the hotel.  So many giggles and thank goodness no one was in sight.  

This was the first time my granddaughter was away from her parents for the night.  We weren't sure how it would go, but she didn't ask for her mom once.

Brothers and Sisters

It is evident from the moment these kids wake up in the morning to the time they go to bed, that they adore each other.  William is kind, caring, gentle, thoughtful and helpful.  At FIVE years old, he will drop his toys and run to his sister's aid if she needs it -- without being asked.

He is respectful to his parents and polite with all adults.  He will grow up knowing HOW to treat a girl and she will grow up knowing HOW girls should be treated.

I knew William loved taking care of his sister but to see it in action, almost made me cry.  I read them a bedtime story and Aubrie intently watched her brother listening to the story, waiting for his reactions to it (one of Beatrix Potter's series I saved from my kids' collection.)

When the story was over, William said, "Don't worry, Gramma, I know what songs Aubrie likes. I will sing her to sleep."  She was out cold in a matter of minutes.  This sweet "Mini Boss."
Mini Boss

I have the greatest respect for this mom and dad in raising their children and could not be prouder of them or my grand babies.  

Sibling Love

Someone stole my clothes!!

I can't believe that this "queen of organization" left her clothes hanging in the hotel's closet. Even worse I didn't realize they were missing until this morning when I wanted to put on one of the outfits.  I called the hotel and they said: "Sorry, no clothes were found and the next guest must have taken your clothes with them."  

I have two questions:  1)  Isn't housekeeping supposed to look in the closet when they prepare the room for the next guest? 
2)  Repeat of number one.

Lesson learned:  I'll never do that again.

Our precious Star

Star is one of our rescues, a long-haired mini Dachshund.  We have had her and her mate for two years.  Star was a show dog.  Both she and Gunner were severely abused. Consequently,  she is still very shy and tries so hard to please.  To see her relax like this is very unusual......I don't think she likes the hot temperatures either.

Mini Dachshund

Monday, July 31, 2017

Do Most People Expect a Calm Before the Storm?

We have all heard the idiom There is always a calm before the storm.

Think about that for a moment.  What it suggests is that if things are going a bit too smoothly or calmly, WATCH OUT.... The storm is about to emerge.  Many of us have experienced that, especially those of us who seem to go through periods in our lives when everything seems to be going wrong - one thing after the other.

Storms of Life

Many of us have heard this expression our whole lives and consequently have expected the negative scenario to happen.

When things are going too well, someone might say, "Just waiting for the storm to hit -- it always does!"  And...sure enough, if we wait long enough, everything goes south. 


Sunday, July 30, 2017

When You Stand on a Soapbox - What are You Shouting?

If I am going to stand on a soapbox and scream..... nine times out of ten it would be about animal abuse.  If I had the time and the means I would drive around town and look for dogs that have been left in hot cars so that I could rescue them. 

Last week I wanted to take my pups to the park for a nice cool walk in the shade but the cement en route to the park was too hot for their little paws.  They were ready for their walk, giving me those puppy dog eyes and jumping around in circles so I decided to drive them to the park.  I had already backed out of the garage when I realized I forgot their water.  When I got back to the car my little mini-dachshund, Star had LOCKED me out.  In her excitement, she had jumped on the door locks.  

Monday, July 24, 2017

What would you do if you found out you are being poisoned?

What do you think it feels like to find out you have been conned or worse yet -poisoned?  Listed below are the first eight weeks in my series, World's Biggest Con Job. In this series, you will find answers to many of your questions about the vitamins you may be taking. If you don't have any questions, then it is time to ask some

Vitamins are supplements we take to make us feel better, look better and have a better sense of well being.  What most people do not realize is that they may be hurting themselves more than helping.  BUT, there are supplements available that are pure, unadulterated, unaltered and with LIVE enzymes to give you the most benefit.

In each one of the following articles, I explain what you need to look for when purchasing your supplements and not buy them because of the brand name or price. One of the largest vitamin companies on this planet (with a name that most people trust) is actually one of the worst.  They use the cheapest DEAD, synthetic ingredients possible to make the biggest buck.  They made a net profit of $48 BILLION last year.  That's NET!  Laughing all the way to the bank while the people taking their products are being lied to and even worse, getting sicker.  That article is in Week Eight below.

I am a registered symptomatologist and a certified health coach who has been steering people to optimum health for 35 years. I have cured myself of a wide variety of physical limitations ranging from chronic fatigue, rheumatoid arthritis, and uterine cancer. It doesn’t matter what you have to overcome specifically. It’s important to boost your immune system in order to heal current disease and prevent future disease.  A proactive attitude today will pay huge dividends tomorrow. 

healthy cells
