Sunday, May 24, 2015

Letter of Gratitude from an Old Dog

Dear Important Human:

Before I tell you why I am writing this letter, please allow me to tell you about myself.  I am a 15 year old Black Lab/Dalmatian mix and probably one of the happiest and friendliest you will ever meet. My name is Mercedez and my former owner abandoned me and my siblings when we were only two weeks old.  This awful person took me away from my dog mommy but it wasn't long before I found out I had a new human mommy.  No one could love me more.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Out of the Mouths of Babes

Last month I spent a few days at Rochelle's farm doing the usual house/dog/cat/sheep/lamb and goat sitting.  I was unaware she had hired a team to landscape the area around the house.  As I watched from the kitchen window I was shocked at how organized and fast this team worked.

goats, humor, pets, babes

I have never seen any gardeners maintain such an incredible pace. They mowed the lawn, completed the weed eating and pruned the fruit trees and bushes in record time. They had equipment that was so quiet I never would have known they were there if I had not looked out the window.  But the most amazing part was the unique way they fertilized as they worked.

goats, landscaping, pets, humor

When they were finished, they left as quietly as they arrived and I found out they never charged for their services.  I wonder if they need a promoter....

goats, landscapers, pets, humor
Oh, and by the way, the sheep do not make that nice "Baaa" sound we read about in nursery rhymes. They sound more like old men burping....or worse.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

What is the World's Greatest Con Job - #2 - Test your Vitamins

Is there a difference between types of vitamins?  Most definitely!  Is there a way to determine these differences?  Most definitely! The purpose of this series of posts is to bring some understanding to the choices you have when purchasing vitamins.

First of all, let's recap last week's post.  There are three types of vitamins:  synthetic, natural altered and natural unaltered.

This is the very basic part of deciding what vitamins to buy and there are many other factors that come into play.  Even if the average consumer knows of the three different types there are to choose from, how do you determine which is which?  If you have not read the first post please do so here. It explains the difference.

food supplements, con job, health, natural

Friday, May 15, 2015

What is the World's Greatest Con Job?

Last week I was asked to be on a National television show to talk about skin and how to avoid getting those awful brown aging spots.  It is always exciting to share secrets to improve health - inside and out!

At my age, many people expect to have skin issues. Dry rough skin. Skin that has lost its elasticity.  Those fine line wrinkles and those not so fine ones.  Skin that has become transparent and lost its luster.  Skin that bruises easily.  Aging spots.
aging skin, synthetic vitamins

Then there is our hair.  Thinning hair.  Dry, limp, dull hair.  Hair falling out.  Flaky scalp.  

Any of these sound familiar?

These are some simple signs of aging we all expect and are not surprised when they occur. We slap on creams and lotions or have laser treatment in an effort to prevent/cover-up the inevitable. We buy the most expensive shampoo and conditioner thinking they should be superior.  The whole process becomes a workout and rarely produces the long-lasting results we were hoping to achieve.

Friday, May 8, 2015

Love at First Sight - Can it Last?

I saw him on the other side of the rink and wondered how to approach him.   He had been the guest speaker at my church that Sunday; I was smitten.  

@BatteredHope marriage proposal on first date

It was announced there would be a roller skating party for the youth on Saturday night and I attended in hopes he would be there.  He seemed quiet and reserved.  I was all over-the-place bubbly but I was drawn to him.

Eventually I got up the nerve to skate a little closer to him and say "Hi, I'm Carol."  He smiled, nodded and sped off.  

Did I say too much?  Did I scare him off?  What was it about this guy I found so appealing? He was in his twenties and balding but extremely good looking with the biggest, softest brown eyes.
@BatteredHope  Love at first sight - can it last?

Monday, May 4, 2015

Do You Think it's True? Is Attitude Everything?

Since watching "Captive:  A Journey of Hope and Survival" with ABC's Robin Roberts, it confirmed what I believe to be a key factor to rising above insurmountable trauma.

Amanda Berry and Gina DeJesus were kidnapped and held captive for ten years by Ariel Castro, the father of Amanda and Gina's friend. Amanda was taken the day before her 17th birthday and is now 29 years old.  They were tortured, chained, and starved.  A bucket was their toilet and they were allowed one shower a week - with their abductor.
The house where they were held captive for 10 years

From the first day of Amanda's kidnapping, she kept a diary. Over the years she used every bit of paper she acquired to make her journal entries; i.e. take-out food bags.  The journal helped keep her sane and was priceless when writing her memoir.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

6 Things People Say that Drive Me Crazy

People say certain things every day that drive me crazy.  I'm wondering if you agree with me. Some of these are pet peeves of mine.  For instance, when I buy ONE thing at a store and the clerk says "All together, that will be...."  I usually look around to see what else I purchased but nothing is there.  She said that because she says it to everyone, no matter what they buy.  There is no thought to the words that come out of her mouth.

Sometimes, I find myself starting to say one of the following phrases and catch myself.   It could be construed as a lie when you are asked "How are you today?" and you answer with "Fine, thank you. And you?"  I realize we often do this to avoid pouring out our heart and saying to someone "Rotten, thank you.  You?" Although I have been known to say that on occasion, I usually do it for effect - just to see the look on someone's face.  Then I laugh and they have no idea if I was lying or telling the truth.

And what about the waitress who says "How are we today?"  I know how I am but why would you ask me how YOU are doing?

But there are certain things people say to me (or I hear them say to other people) that I would love to challenge.  I think these are usually said because they feel badly for someone and don't know what else to say.  HOWEVER, if we say these things and sincerely mean them -- that is a totally different ballgame.  My issue is when we say something for the mere sake of saying it and there is little to no thought behind it.

@BatteredHope 6 things people say that drive me crazy

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

My Encounter with the World's Dumbest Criminals

Most of us have read stories of criminals whose actions were so dumb it was as if they wanted to get caught.  Remember Klaus Schmidt who tried to rob a bank in Berlin?  The teller asked him if he needed a bag and he answered, "Yes, it's a real gun!"  She quickly realized he was deaf so she set the alarm; the police arrived, came up behind him and he never heard a thing.

In 2008, Ruben Zarate wanted to rob a muffler shop in Chicago.  He was armed with a gun and demanded money.  The employees told him the manager was not in yet and they could not open the safe. He left his PHONE NUMBER with them so they could call him when the manager got there.

Then there was the carjacking gone badly when the thief couldn't drive a stick shift!

Recently, we had an encounter with two of the world's dumbest criminals.  That's right - two, not one. Are two heads always better than one?  Apparently not.

@BatteredHope World's dumest criminals
