Thursday, April 16, 2015

Does the 'What Could Have Happened' Scare You?

I love the monthly Fly on The Wall posts.   Each blogger shares what has happened around their home in the past month.  You can share a funny, sad or unusual occurrence that isn't long enough to warrant a full post.  It is a way to stay in touch with fellow bloggers to see what happened in their lives the past month.  If you haven't considered it already, please think about joining us and share the fun. 

A couple weeks ago I woke up earlier than usual but decided to get up and start my day. It was MEANT to be because if I had not, I shudder to think what might have happened to my black Lab, Mercedez.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

I AM HERE - Untold Stories Of Everyday People


Something very exciting has happened – I have a story published in a book! It’s called I Am Here: The Untold Stories of Everyday People and is a collection of true, funny, heart-wrenching, and ultimately inspiring stories. It’s format is similar to Chicken Soup for the Soul and if you like those books, you’ll like this one.

8 Things To Never Do On Your Blog

Each of us is entitled to our own opinions and these are mine regarding blogging.  There are certain things we do as bloggers that turn off many readers. Incorporating them into our blogs are small changes that can make a big difference in keeping our followers returning .... or not. I believe there are some things we should never do to maintain that interest.

@BatteredHope   blogging

Sunday, April 12, 2015

If Your Health Matters, What Are You Doing About It?

Does your health matter to you?  Do you take time for your health today so that you have health for your time tomorrow?   I believe that most of us do the best we can as well as educate ourselves in various health related matters.

I started this journey when I was in my twenties and given two years to live.  That is far too young to be hear the "C" word and told "Hysterectomy or death!"  Those were my choices and I didn't choose either one.  But that's another story and you can read how I chose to be a victor -- not a victim here.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

If You Can Forget Your Struggles For A Moment, Why Not 2 or 3?

It didn't matter what kind of day I was having, looking outside made all my worries disappear for a moment.   Outside my window the Magnolias had opened over night and the magenta leaves reached for the morning's sunlight.  If only I could do that.  But wait, I could and did.  If I could forget my struggles for a moment, why not for two or three moments? Why couldn't I table my troubles?
@BatteredHope Forget your troubles

I stepped outside and realized the signs of Spring were everywhere - from the small rhubarb plant starting in my garden to the choir of birds singing their morning song.

Everything was flourishing -- why couldn't I?

Could I turn my back on my catastrophic life and exchange it for a happy one?  Could it possibly be that easy?  

That day, I made the decision that changed my life forever. I would make a daily, hourly, moment by moment effort to see the positive in everything.  Bad things can happen to good people but they do not have to control my life; my thoughts.

When I looked outside and saw the flowers, I had my story idea for this short post which was a Use Your Words challenge.  Each month those participating in the challenge are given a series of words given to them from another blogger to use in a story. Each month I try to turn those words into a true story and this month I didn't have a clue.  

I have had a lot of trauma in my life but so have a lot of other people.  I can choose to dwell on those negatives or..... learn from them and draw strength and wisdom.  I have chosen the latter. 

My words were magenta, flourish, rhubarb, catastrophic and happy. They were submitted by Juicebox Confession.  

I hope you take a few minutes to check out the other bloggers in this challenge - read their stories, comment on their posts and let me know if you find the words I gave another blogger before I can figure it out - as we never know until they go live.

Baking In A Tornado
Spatulas on Parade
The Bergham's Life Chronicles
The Momisodes
Southern Belle Charm
Confessions of a Part-time Working Mom
Someone Else's Genius
Stacy Sews and Schools
Sparkly Poetic Weirdo
Searching for Sanity
Eileen's Perpetually Busy


Monday, April 6, 2015

Powerful Recap and Introducing Tag - You're It!

There are a couple posts that have made an amazing impact in the past couple weeks.  Probably because they have to do with family issues.  I will recap them here in case you missed them and then I have a fun CHALLENGE for you.

And Yet.....You Walked Away is the gut wrenching story about our son who walked out of our lives three years ago.
@BatteredHope walking away from love

Life Lesson When Lost In A Parking Lot is an hilarious recap about losing my car ..... almost forever. I was amazed as to how many people (not just women) have this problem.

Monday, March 30, 2015

And Yet....You Walked Away

You were so tiny. My firstborn. My son.  Adopting a baby required an extensive amount of soul searching.  There was no doubt.  Our prayers were answered when she placed you in my arms.  My baby.  And walked away.
@BatteredHope walking away from love

Friday, March 27, 2015

Life Lesson When Lost In A Parking Lot

Why can't I remember where I parked my car?  It seems that whenever I park in a parking lot, I have no trouble getting to my intended destination but I almost always have trouble finding my way back. 

I consider myself to be somewhat intelligent so making a mental note of where I parked isn't rocket science.  Sometimes the parking lots are thoughtful enough to put numbers and letters on pillars to make it easier for people to remember where they parked.  As long as you remember the letter and/or the number you are home free.  You think?
