Friday, August 12, 2016

Bits and Bites You May Not Need to Know

I'm sorry
My sincere apologies to all bloggers participating in Use Your Words this month. For a reason that will forever remain a mystery, I did not receive my words in time to prepare a post. The words are floating in cyberspace.  Please let me know if you see them out there.  Hopefully, this was a one-time fluke.

I am 'on the road again' and was not able to formulate a story around the words I received only yesterday.  My words are Gone ~ Mottled ~ Bleach ~ Washer ~ Paint ~ Lap and submitted by Southern Belle Charm

If I took each of these words and put them into a sentence with the first thing that popped into my head -- it would look like this:

Sorry for missing this month's post -- I was gone.  The words are gone.  I'm coming back.  Hopefully, this will never happen again.

Sunday, August 7, 2016

For Better, For Worse -- A Language a Dog Understands

When we think of the words "For better, for worse," we usually think of a marriage.  We say our vows on our wedding day proclaiming that we will never leave our spouse, no matter what happens.

But sometimes we don't follow through with those vows.  Sometimes, our spouse is abusive or falls out of love with us. Those words ring in our ears -- for better, for worse -- may be out of our control.

When we acquire a pet, how often don't we promise to take care of that pet, for better - for worse?

We fall in love with that puppy and look forward to many years of joy with him. BUT.....sometimes....

He has genetic problems and requires special care, which can be very expensive.

He will NOT stop barking.

He bites people.

He poops in the house.

He pees in the house.

He is left alone all day and then goes crazy when his owner comes home and becomes a pest, trying to gain full-on attention.

He isn't as cute as when he was a puppy.

He has a serious accident and requires special care for the rest of his life.

He won't behave properly so he is beaten and kicked or worse.

He is destructive when left alone.

Sometimes, rather than spend the time needed to restore the relationship, we give up.....and give that dog away.

Saturday, August 6, 2016

You Can Hang on to Hope, Even if it is Only by a Thread

Someday....but maybe not today, life will be easier.

Someday.....but maybe not today, I won't have to work so many jobs to try to make 'ends' meet.

Someday....but maybe not today, I won't cry every time I think of my son who left us four years ago.

Someday....but maybe not today, I won't think of my two grandsons who I have not seen in four years.

Someday....but maybe not today, I won't gasp a little when I walk into a room and see my husband holding his head in his hands because the pain is stronger than usual and unbearable.

Someday....but maybe not today, I will be able to go for a walk with my husband -- even a couple blocks would be awesome.

Someday....but maybe not today, I won't have to deal with the stress of running my husband's business and trying to keep it afloat until the economy turns around.

Someday....but maybe not today.

wishful thinking

Friday, August 5, 2016

How Would You Cope With the Loss of a Child?

"Which character from a book would you most like to meet and why? What would you do?" This is the challenge given to me for this post.  When I read for entertainment there are two authors I read -- Harlan Coben and John Grisham. These are my favorite authors and I have read almost all of their books.

Yet, there are no characters in any of their books who I would want to meet. Consequently, this question posed a challenge.

For my talk show, Never Ever Give Up Hope, I interview at least two authors a week. The majority of these authors have written memoirs which is the basis for the interview.  I read their books, interview them and often they become friends.  I feel I have already met them.  
woman crying

If you are ever having a down-in-the-dumps day and need a lift, I GUARANTEE you will be encouraged when you take a few minutes to listen to these incredible stories.  They are ordinary people who have overcome extraordinary circumstances.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

What Do You Do When You Are Caught Red-handed?

Louis Vuitton, Mini DachshundI heard the garage door open.  It would only be a minute before I would be free.  I waited.  I heard the car door slam shut.  I was so excited.  I could hardly stand it.  It seemed like forever since Mommy left me that morning.  She always locks me up.  She says she loves me but I know she does not trust me.  If she trusted me, why does she lock me up?

WHAT WAS TAKING SO LONG?  Then I heard a funny rustling sound as the door opened.  I knew that sound.  I  L O V E D that sound.  It meant she was bringing home food.  Not my boring food -- this would be REAL people food.

She put some bags on the floor, opened the door to my prison and then she ran out the door again.  I had a good smell of each bag.  Nothing too exciting there.

She came back.  More bags on the floor and she left again.  Mmmmm, this one bag smelled amazing.  I recognized that smell.  It was like heaven.  It was that yellow stuff that comes in plastic wrapping. This is the stuff she hides my pills in when she gives them to me.  She calls it my treat and sometimes she calls it cheese.

Then she left me there with all these bags and went into that room that always sounds like water running.  I knew she would be gone awhile.  Surely she wanted me to have a look at all the bags and help myself to my special treats.
