Friday, January 16, 2015

Do You Believe In Fate?

I heard something.  I stopped cold in my tracks.  Was I being followed?  A shiver crept up my spine.  I took another step and heard it again.  What was that?  It sounded like a whimper but was ever so faint, perhaps it was being muffled.  

The fresh morning snow was forming a blanket covering the brown soil and debris on the forest floor.  The season's first snow fall always reminded me of new beginnings.  I wanted to walk in the quietness of the early morning before anything could disturb my thoughts.  I loved making new tracks in the snow where nothing had been before.  

Sunday, January 11, 2015

I Was Born A Mother

Some people are born salesmen.  Some are born rock stars. And then there are the born winners and of course.....the born losers.  I was born a mom.  This is something I realized only recently.

I have been a business woman longer than I have been a mom.  I have been self-employed since the 1970's.  As much as I love the challenges of business; in my heart, I am a mom.

My own mother was quite ill when I was born and from a very young age I learned how to care for the sick.  I was her legs -- running little errands for her when she could not.  I was her eyes - reading to her for hours when her head pain would not permit it.  I was her friend who cuddled with her to make her feel better.  When the suffering was too intense I was asked to leave the room so she could rest.  I would leave, crying.  I needed to make her better - thus my need to nurture was born.

@BatteredHope Born to be a mother

Sunday, January 4, 2015

The Choices You Make

I am pleased to introduce to you my guest, Suzy Que from New Zealand.  I met her during a blogging challenge in April of 2014 and have appreciated her poetry and insights during the past several months.  When challenged by a co-worker in 2010 she started a private blog and realized that it was a way to fulfill her passion for writing.  The following year she began blogging regularly and now has three blogs.  

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Heartbreaking Obituary For Our Beloved Dog - R.I.P. Texas

Name:  Texas, a.k.a. Texie Mexie, Texas Mexas, Big Guy, Mama's Boy and Poopy Pants
Age:  18 years old
Date of Birth:  August 27, 1996
Date of Death:  December 29, 2014

Preceded in death by:  Teslin, wife

Survived by:  Son, Louis Vuitton
                        Daughter-in-law, Lily
                        Granddaughter,  Lola
                        Numerous other children 
                                     Texas sired many litters

Sister Mercedez and Son Louis Vuitton

Lola, Granddaughter

Lily, Daughter-In-Law
But there is so much more to Texas' life than these details. Many of you have met Texas in other blog posts about this unique, incredibly strong, feisty, beautiful dog.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

10 Tips On How To Avoid The Christmas Hustle

"I hate Christmas!"  Those were the words spoken by a woman who was looking in the show cases in my store this week.  

"Pardon me?"

"I hate Christmas -- well, not really.  I just hate all the stuff I am forced to do."

I have not been able to shake that conversation from my psyche.

Each year, I watch the craziness and the hustle.  I see the anger.  I hear nasty, grumpy comments by people who generally are easy-going.  

People pushing, swearing, rushing, yelling.  No wonder she hates Christmas.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Why Doesn't The Government Reimburse Us For Wasting Our Time? Fly On The Wall

I paid a bill to the government.  A month later I received a nasty letter from them that they were fining me for not paying on time and if it was not paid, well, you know.  THREATS.

I called the toll-free number -- you know the one -- you have to go through a dozen prompts and finally get to speak to a person.  Then that person transfers you to another person and over the course of two days and about four hours of my time, they admitted they put in the wrong code.  Do they apologize?  No, somehow they can make you feel that it was your fault and you are very lucky they figured out the problem and corrected it for you.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

The Veterinarian Assured Me - He'll Be Better By Monday

I looked at my precious cat, Antonio.  My daughter had named him and it suited him.  He had class --but no superior attitude.  He acted more like a dog than a cat and soon he became known as Tony.  Tony's favorite game was Hide 'N Seek.  He never tired of  playing it with our Miniature Dachshund, Louie. Tony would hide in the bushes and watch Louie play in the yard. When the opportunity presented itself, Tony would take one giant leap and pounce directly on Louie's back.

Then the chase would begin. There was not even the slightest chance that Louie would ever be able to catch Tony, but Tony allowed himself to be caught so they could wrestle. Sitting upright, Tony used his right front paw to bat the little dog in the head.  Louie kept coming back for more. They did this for hours and were a great source of entertainment for the guys painting our house. This gave the guys some good laughs and I am pleased they did not fall off their ladders.

When Louie rolled over onto his back, Tony knew the game was over.  Louie was being submissive and saying "Enough - I need a nap."  Basking in the summer sun, Tony would sleep with one eye open, tail twitching, watching eagles in the sky, bugs on the ground and human activity all around him.

Tony was a lover, not a fighter.  He did manage to bring me the occasional mouse, snake or bird and deposit it at the front door in anticipation of praise from me.  But he usually got a "Yuk! What did you do?" instead.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Follow Your Dream or One Crazy Miniature Dachshund

When Inderpreet Kaur Uppal requested that I guest post on her blog, she was specific.  She asked me to share what motivated me to write my memoir.  That was easy!  A crazy miniature Dachshund named Louis Vuitton was responsible for inspiring me to share my story.

It was a difficult but therapeutic journey requiring me to visit places in my past where I never wanted to go again.  The struggles I endured through life would make most people roll over and quit.  But through them all, I gained incredible strength and my memoir has become an encouragement for many.

I thoroughly enjoy guest posting as it is a great opportunity to gain a new audience and new friends.  Last month  Inderpreet Kaur Uppal did a guest post on my blog of her views on marriage and relationships.  Although we are half a world apart, our views are very similar.  Her post can be read here. 

We met on a blogging challenge last Spring and I have grown to appreciate her as a blogger and friend.  She is a freelance writer, blogger, editor and lecturer.  She has a Masters Degree in Human Resources Management.  She loves to read and travel.  Her blog posts are a range of subjects from lifestyle to book reviews.  She blogs at  Eloquent Articulation.  

There are no excuses -- Follow Your Dreams
I know you will enjoy this humorous and remarkable story of one very special dog.  Please connect with me on Inderpreet's blog and comment here..... or there or BOTH.  I will answer in both places.   Here is the story:  Follow Your Dream
