Monday, March 16, 2015

13 1/2 Things I May Never Understand- Can You Help?

You may call this post a rant and I suppose in some ways it is.  But what I really want are your opinions.  Each of us is entitled to our own views and these are some things that I need you to help me to understand.   I will do a follow-up post of your responses.

As we get older, we are supposed to get wiser.  However,I don't get it -- unless you can enlighten me.

1)  Stickers on cars that read "Precious Cargo On Board." In other words, if you were considering slamming into the back of my car STOP RIGHT THERE.  There is a baby on board and you could hurt him.  With all the weirdos in the world, why would I want to advertise that I have a baby in the car?

Thursday, March 5, 2015

What 4 Things Do You Need To Live?

We have all been asked the question "What could you never live without?"  Sometimes we answer by listing those we love or some of our possessions that are very dear to us; i.e. family photos.  I think that is a given - when we lose someone we love, we feel like we do not want to live anymore.  I thought I would take a bit of a different twist here.

Each month I participate in a word challenge given four to six unrelated words to use in a story.  This month's words threw me for a loop.  How could I possibly write a story using those words?  And then it hit me, and I turned it into a post about four things I could not live without.  My words were candid, bestow, handiwork and delicious.  See what I mean?

@BatteredHope What could you live without?

Monday, March 2, 2015

Is There A Right And Wrong Side Of Anger?

I believe that most anger starts as an annoyance but can turn into rage - if allowed.  To get angry is expressing a normal emotion but out of control it can be destructive.  It can destroy relationships, careers and most definitely, your health.  Anger is a natural response to a threat and helps us defend ourselves but must be controlled to be beneficial. 

You can be assertive when you are angry; expressing your feelings calmly and respectfully allowing you to get your point across without being offensive.  An unhealthy choice is to suppress anger which can lead to passive-aggressive behavior and hypertension or depression.  It is crucial to find a way to vent without hurting others or ourselves. Otherwise it can be a one-way street without a way to turn around and take back what had been said.
@BatteredHope wrong side of anger

Friday, February 27, 2015

A Large Bully Is No Match For A Tenacious Little Girl

Recently I had the pleasure to meet three on-line friends in person and each experience was amazing. My friendship deepened with each of these women, and I know we will be life-long friends. Many of you shared your own experiences when you met your blogging or on-line friends after reading How Your Blog Can Make An Impact  and Sensational Friends You May Know.

I have also had the pleasure of connecting with Erin from my grade school years.  We were friends from Kindergarten through high school and then lost touch for four decades. After all those years, we discovered we were living in close proximity of each other - 3,000 miles from where we grew up. Every year since then, we have spent a girls' getaway weekend together to play catch-up.
@BatteredHope   Bully vs a little girl

Thursday, February 26, 2015

When You Are Forced Out Of Your Comfort Zone

I am not a sheep midwife.  I am neither a shepherd nor a goat herder.  I am a relatively sophisticated city girl.  I love petting the fur of a soft puppy or kitten as much as the next person.  But being kicked and pushed by filthy sheep ready to give birth is NOT my idea of a good time.
@BatteredHope #comfort zone, animals

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

How Do These 6 Professional Beggars Affect You?

How do you feel about beggars?  The definition of begging is:  To ask for something in an urgent or humble manner. 

I was eating a piece of toast this morning and my two new rescue dogs (that heartwarming tale here) were jumping up and down, begging me for a piece.  I assumed they were not taught that begging is rude.  But they are so cute and little, I let it go.  Suddenly, I had an epiphany.

I realized that I rarely, if ever, give in to begging because I have no problem saying "No."  Does that make me nasty..... or smart?  Let's look at some instances of begging and see how we feel about giving to these six types of beggars.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Unconditional Love From 6 Sensational Friends You Might Know!

Wouldn't you love to be a fly on the wall and see what goes on in a friend's or anyone's home?  Doing the Fly On The Wall posts each month is a great way to recap and keep a journal.  Looking over everything that happened this past month is nothing short of wonderful!

In the past three months we have lost three dogs in our family; Dakota, Willow and Texas.   If you missed these heartwarming stories, you can read them here.    This month, I am pleased to announce, we have three more!  I have already introduced you to Nayla, the Husky who is a companion to my son-in-law on his worksite.
Unconditional Love from Rescue Dogs

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Is There Ever A Bad Time For Good News?

When everything seems to be going wrong do you quit?  Or do you think it may be going wrong because it is worth persevering?  I had to make this decision last week when I got THE phone call. Before I can adequately share that story please read this one about the two long-haired Dachshunds we were trying to adopt and why it was so important.....

The hoops we had to jump through trying to adopt these two dogs were much like the hurdles we encountered when adopting our son.  But these were DOGS.  I understand the agencies need to be sure their rescues are going to good homes but this seemed a bit over the top.  We had to send pictures of each room in our home and all parts of the yard. This was to determine if we had a dog friendly home.  We had to have several personal and professional references. Any vets we had previously used would need to contacted. This was a problem because after we switched to a raw diet for our dogs, we no longer needed veterinary services.  The only time we used a vet in the past few years was when Texas was attacked by the Bull Mastiff.

Rescue dogs are a breed of their own.  I believe they are fully aware that they were given away or thrown away or neglected.  They are the most loyal dogs; hands down.
