Monday, March 30, 2015

And Yet....You Walked Away

You were so tiny. My firstborn. My son.  Adopting a baby required an extensive amount of soul searching.  There was no doubt.  Our prayers were answered when she placed you in my arms.  My baby.  And walked away.
@BatteredHope walking away from love

Friday, March 27, 2015

Life Lesson When Lost In A Parking Lot

Why can't I remember where I parked my car?  It seems that whenever I park in a parking lot, I have no trouble getting to my intended destination but I almost always have trouble finding my way back. 

I consider myself to be somewhat intelligent so making a mental note of where I parked isn't rocket science.  Sometimes the parking lots are thoughtful enough to put numbers and letters on pillars to make it easier for people to remember where they parked.  As long as you remember the letter and/or the number you are home free.  You think?

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Dear Daughter - Why Did You Turn Out This Way?

Dear Daughter:  Looking at you I see reflections of myself.  I see my youth, my aspirations, my passions and parts of my personality.  I am amazed when I look at you and realize I had a small part in forming who you are; that pleases me.  You are more than I ever hoped to be.  I thank God to have had some influence in your life decisions. My precious, beloved daughter - the bottom line is you never cease to amaze me at what an incredible, intelligent, beautiful, gentle, wise and humorous woman you are.  I am proud to call you friend and even prouder to call you daughter.
@BatteredHope Rochelle and Carol Graham
Rochelle at two
