Friday, February 13, 2015

Should You Befriend The Mother Of Someone Who Tried To Destroy You?

When she made the appointment for aesthetic services, her name sounded vaguely familiar.  I assumed I would recognize her when she arrived.  I didn't, but my co-worker did and summoned me into the reception area with urgency.

"Do you realize who that is?"  she asked staring wildly.  The look was a definite indication that my client was not welcome there.


"That's Roger's mother!"

Monday, February 9, 2015

So THIS Is How To Protect Yourself During A Home Invasion

It was close to midnight when she thought she heard a noise.  Thinking it was just the wind, Vicky fell into a restful sleep.  When she woke up at three in the morning, she noticed that not only was her bedroom door open, but there were lights on in the house.  Wakening her husband, together they cautiously took a look around the house and then called the police.

As my friend was telling me about their home invasion, I tried to imagine how anyone would cope with the feeling of being violated - while you were sleeping.  She was thankful they did sleep through it or it could have turned ugly.
@BatteredHope protection against home invasion

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

How Can You Be In Two Places At Once?

Are you more than one person?  Many people try to be and most of us act slightly differently in the various roles we play.  Each role is then subdivided into other roles.  Do you believe that if we take on too many roles we can burn out?  At what point should we say "Stop! I can only do so much."

But what if we can't stop?  What if so many people depend on us that we have to keep going and not expect to get a break?

It is a lot easier to look at someone else's life and say "You need to slow down."  Or.."Why don't you just get out of that commitment?"  It usually isn't that easy.  Recently I found myself in such a place.
