Friday, November 23, 2018

When You Think Romance is Dead - It May Surprise You

Forty-six years ago today hubby and I tied the knot -- and they said it wouldn't last!  For $100 we bought the wedding package from the Elvis Chapel in Las Vegas.  It included a chauffeur-driven limo to the courthouse to get our license, the cost of the license, the trip back to the Chapel, the chaplain, flowers, music, a witness, a cassette tape of the ceremony and pictures.  I'd say it was a good investment, wouldn't you?

46 year anniversary

Another Milestone

As a joke over the past year, I invited people to my surprise birthday party.  I knew it would never happen so I felt safe making a joke about it.  As this new decade approached, people asked me what I was doing for my birthday.  Neither my husband nor I have ever made a big deal about birthdays and I often forget them until I looked at the calendar.   When my hubby asked me what I would like to do this year as it was a 'big' one, I asked him to cook dinner for me.  He makes the best halibut cheeks and my mouth watered just thinking about them.  

When my daughter said that she and the kids were coming for a visit on my birthday weekend I was ecstatic.  That was the best present.  They were here for four glorious days.  

On Saturday hubby announced he was taking us out for dinner, but I was a bit disappointed as I was looking forward to those cheeks and lying around the house.  He also told me that I was going to be so surprised by my present.  I thought we decided that neither one of us 'needed' anything is always fun to get a present.

When everyone got up Sunday morning, they came into my office to watch me open my gift.  It was a beautiful, stunning, Baume and Mercier gold watch.

Baume and Mercier

And it fit!  I thought it might be a good idea to have a safety chain put on it as an extra precaution but then we (hubby, daughter and I) spent over a half an hour trying to figure out how to open it to take it off.  I came to the conclusion that I was never going to get it off and would have to bathe with my arm up in the air.  We found the instructions online and finally figured it out.  Safety chain -- not needed. 

I never expected anything like this and thought my surprises were over for the day -- think again!  Daughter and kids drove separately to the restaurant which was over 30 miles away.  It was a brand new restaurant and I asked hubby what he knew about the food.  We are pretty fussy when we eat out because I can cook better than most restaurants in this small town, which is why we rarely spend money eating out only to be gravely disappointed.

Giving our name to the hostess she led us into a back room - "SURPRISE!"  I almost dropped to the floor.  I never had one clue -- well, actually there were lots of clues but.....I was clueless!  

So many friends were there and others who could not attend sent their best wishes.  The food was better than I can remember eating in any restaurant for many years.  It was a nine-course Italian dinner and daughter had the chocolate mousse cake catered.  

Chocolate Mousse Cake

For someone who doesn't celebrate birthdays per se, or expect gifts, I was speechless.  My hubby is not a romantic but this one gesture which he planned entirely on his own, is more than I could have ever hoped for in all these 46 years of marriage.  I think I'll keep him :) 

What Can You Learn From a Computer Crash?

When it comes to being organized and prepared I give myself an A++ but when I do mess up, it is a big one.  Last time I had my computer checked out, the tech told me that my hard drive was on its way out.  He said it could last a couple years or a couple days.  Did I listen to him?  Of course not.

I make it a regular habit of backing up my documents and pictures but hadn't bothered to do that since May?  Why?  No excuse.

Yup -- it crashed.  Beyond repair.  Lost 1000s of pictures.  Hundreds of documents.  Bear in mind that most of these were work related, needed for our businesses.  I cried.  Too late.

Seagate Backup Plus Slim

Lesson learned?  Bought an external hard drive. After a lot of research decided on the Seagate Backup Plus Slim.  No lectures, please.  I felt pretty stupid and it will take me a long time to forgive myself.  So much time -- gone.  I was almost finished with a course I am writing that took months of work.  Did I save it?  Of course.....on my hard drive.  The only good thing I could think of was that I will do a better job writing it the second time.

On the Road Again

I spent last week on the road.  I was booked into a book tour and speaking engagements in Southern Oregon.  En route, I spent one and a half days with my childhood friend from Wisconsin.

The entire trip was fabulous in every way; new friends made, the best percentage of book sales ever, beautiful sunshine every day and the venues were great.  The trip home was 14 hours with every kind of weather but so grateful for staying safe.

This was the monthly Fly On the Wall blogging challenge.  Buzz around, see what you think, then click on these links for a peek into some other homes:

Baking In A Tornado        
Menopausal Mother           
Never Ever Give Up Hope  
Spatulas on Parade         
Go Mama O.                   

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