Thursday, July 10, 2014

#AskAwayFriday Another Great Exchange

Friday is here again and in the midst of enjoying family time, cookouts, and fireworks, it is also time to enjoy another amazing week of #AskAwayFriday! 
What is #AskAwayFriday? Well...
#AskAwayFriday was created by the amazing Penny from Real Housewife of Caroline County as a way to connect with other bloggers with a great Q & A session of 10 questions and 10 answers, between two bloggers! By offering a wonderful opportunity to get to know others while allowing others to get to know you and of course there is also the added bonus of making great friends along the way which is one of the best parts of this online world! Now to welcome our wonderful #AskAwayFriday hosts...

Tamara from Tamara Like Camera, Tiffany from Mrs. Tee Love Life Laughter, Christy from Uplifting Families, Stacey from This Momma's Ramblings and Amber from Bold Fit Mom

This week we welcome a brand new co-host, for the next two weeks, the amazing...Carol from  Battered Hope!


Carol from Battered Hope is an author, public speaker, health coach and so much more. She shares all those sides of herself with you on her site. Carol is always willing to share her story and her encouragement with anyone who may need it because as she says, “If I Can Overcome Tragedies, So Can You." So...grab our button, follow our amazing hosts and co-host, hop through the great link ups and make some amazing new friends!

I am honored to be co-hosting this week's Ask Away Friday.  It is one of the best blog ideas I have seen for getting acquainted with your fellow bloggers.  I encourage you to check out all the links and give it a try.  You can be involved as often or as little as you want to be and I know you will also enjoy being 'interviewed' and sharing your story to other bloggers.

This week I am swapping questions with


She is mom to six children in what she calls 'Team Haywood.'  Their ages range from 19 down to 3.  Specifically 19, 17, 15, 7, 5 and 3.  Whew!  I get tired just thinking about that!  She is an active blogger.  She is SUPER MOM and SUPER BLOGGER and I hope you check out her site to enjoy her laughter and positive attitude.  She has been labeled a blogging ninja.

 Here are the questions she posed to me this week:

1.  I see that you have a love for dogs.  Have you always enjoyed dogs and their company or did it develop later in life?

I can't remember a time I didn't love dogs. I wrote 26 dog posts in April using the 26 letters of the alphabet.  These are stories of the dogs I have had and those I have now.  They will make you laugh and of course, cry.

2.You love to cook ethnic food.  What's your favorite dish to make and why?

We rarely eat 'American' food so it is difficult to pick one as a favorite.  My hubby can't get it spicy enough and although I like it a bit more mild, we love East Indian, Mexican, Jamaican, Szechwan Chinese. 

3.  You say you are the most patient person in the world.  Has there ever been a situation where someone wore that patience thin?

Every day.  Right after I say I am the most patient, I say am the most impatient.  I am a Type A personality.  I want it done NOW and if I expect that of myself than I expect it from everyone else.  That is where my impatience shows. hubby was in a car accident 20 years ago and suffered a brain injury, a stroke and dystonia.  He was bed ridden for six years.  You learn patience real fast.  I learned quickly how important it is not to allow him to see the difficulty I had in dealing with his problems, his disability or his frustration.  I had to bite my tongue, wipe away tears and make life appear as normal as possible.  Patience is a virtue and although I have learned a lot, I still have a long way to go.

4.  How did you discover your love and passion for public speaking?

My father was a minister and it was expected of us kids to be ready to do whatever dad needed us to do -- play the piano, sing a song, share a story, teach a class.....

When I was three my daddy wanted me to sing a song for the Christmas concert.  When it was my turn, I marched up on the stage, turned around, bent over, pulled up my dress and said,  "LOOK....NEW PANTIES."  Maybe it was that first laugh I got from the audience that made me realize this is what I wanted to do with my life.

5.  What is your favorite summertime activity?

Hate is a strong word -- but I do not like summer, at all.  I love winter, spring and fall.  If we didn't need to have summer, that would be fine with me.  I have always had an internal temperature higher than most people, maybe due to the crazy pace I keep.  Consequently, I don't function well in warm weather and stay indoors as much as possible in the summer.  Weird, huh?

6.  If you could have a public speaking engagement anywhere and to any audience where and who would they be?

Mmmmmm....... I love all audiences and I can always get them laughing and crying, no matter what the venue.  So, I am not sure.  The bigger the audience the better (more interaction).

7.  Where is your dream vacation destination (cost is not an option)?

My daughter asks me this question a lot.  I just don't have an answer.  I am a workaholic who doesn't think about vacations (crazy, huh?)  But, I would have to answer this by saying ----- Disneyland with my grandson.

8.  Use these three letters to describe yourself:  L  D and T

Interesting choice of letters.  L for Leader, D for Determined and T for Tenacious

9.  Ice cream, cake or pie:  which would you pick for a dessert?

You mean I can't have all three????  Ice cream, ice cream with cake, ice cream with pie.  Chocolate, of course.

10.  What is your favorite way to cool down on a hot summer day?

Don't leave my AC in my office.

I loved Mrs. Tee's questions because it made me think.  She made me realize how much I need a vacation -- maybe I should rethink the whole vacation bit.  The problem is, I would always be worried about all the work that would be piling up and waiting for me when I got back home.

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Be sure to check out our Facebook page "AskAwayFriday" for a great place to meet up and send out a #BuddyRequest if you need a partner to swap with!
Would you like to join in on the #AskAwayFriday fun as a co-host? Click on the link below and fill out the form! 
By adding your email to this link up, you will be added to email correspondence that may be sent by one of our hosts, you may opt out at any time.  
Hosts reserve the right to remove any links that do not pertain to the #AskAwayFriday theme.

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