Showing posts with label FreshPet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label FreshPet. Show all posts

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Birth, Death and Stupid Criminals

Bernese puppy

Snow fallIf you enjoy puppy stories, you will love last week's post about the life and death situation of our Bernese Mountain dog giving birth.  It was 'touch and go' for both the puppies and Mama Charlie for two days.  The quest for survival was incredible to watch and the joy that comes from hearing that first cry of birth will be long remembered. For that sweet, intriguing story, click here.

We live in the North West and for the past few years have not seen a drop of snow.  We were warned that this year was going to be different but didn't believe it. Were we wrong!  The snow started a couple weeks ago.  The dusting on the trees was so beautiful and everyone thought that was the end of it. WRONG again.  It has continued to snow and now looks like we will have a white Christmas -- almost unheard of in these here parts!

Child in snow

Baby in snow
Grandbaby Aubrie is a force to be reckoned with.  You can see it on her face.  She is a thinker and a planner.  She is pretty determined so it was no surprise when she started walking at nine months old.

Her mom, Rochelle, was telling me how Aubrie doesn't take any grief from her big boy cousins.  Recently, when they were playing together she took one of the big boy's toys. He grabbed it back and she pushed him over (he is a year older) and then she pulled his hair.

Rochelle's comment:  "Aubrie is going to be having a lot of sessions in the 'time out corner.'"
