Thursday, October 2, 2014

How Can You Leave Me? I Love You Too Much

"TAKE THAT BACK!"  I screamed to myself but it was too late to recant.  What was said, was said.  What's done is done.  I knew how much the words had hurt.  Why did I say them?  Why hadn't I bit my tongue?

It was autumn, my favorite time of year.  I don't appreciate the heat of summer so taking long hikes were reserved for summer's end.  My closest friend and I would often make a day of it.  I would pack a lunch and we would head up the mountain.  We were both a bit too old to walk that far, but would drive as far as we safely could and then hike a bit farther.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Waiting For Answers That Never Seem To Come

When I was younger I wrote a lot of poetry.  It was a way of expressing myself without anyone knowing I was talking about 'me.'    There are poems I often ponder from decades ago, but they still carry a punch.  I would like to share one here that I trust will encourage you.  Read it more than once - let it sink in:


Oft there comes a gentle whisper o'er me stealing,
When my trials or my burdens seem too great,
Like the sweet voiced bells of evening softly pealing,
It is saying to my spirit "Only Wait."

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Are Kids Angrier Than Before?

WHAT IS GOING ON?   Last week I posted what happened while I was traveling on a ferry.  I shared how, in the course of an hour, I witnessed three separate incidents of young children behaving badly, disrespectful and down right rude.  I was appalled.  That story is here.

After reading that post, a friend of mine emailed me her story.  She witnessed these two events in less than a 24-hour period.  While reading them I kept saying out loud, "No!" and "I can't believe it!"  But it happened.  Just like she saw it and it makes me either want to throw up or cry; in other words, it makes me sick.
