Monday, August 18, 2014

Forgive them? Are You Crazy?

Unforgiveness...  to forgive or not forgive, it is your decision and your choice!  Period!
You have no idea what he did to me!” Ever hear someone say that? Did you ever say that? Or have you ever thought it while justifying your choice not to forgive the one who wronged you?

@BatteredHope forgive or don't forgive?

Recently, a dear friend told me he has stage 3 cancer. It is a type of cancer that is aggressive in nature. The saddest part is he complained of symptoms for over a year which his doctor chose to ignore and dismissed as insignificant. If the doctor had taken tests when asked, more than likely it never would have progressed to this stage. 

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Letter To My Aging Dog

Dear Precious Mercedez:

When we went for our walk today, you YAWNED.  I couldn't believe it.  Walking was always your favorite pastime.  I looked at you and realized you were tired - aging and BONE tired.  It was hot outside and you wanted the coolness of your room. 

Was it that long ago when I came home from work, you would run in circles with great anticipation of a walk?  Didn't matter what the weather was like -- didn't matter if it was dinner time. What mattered was Mom was home and you could now go for a walk. Weekends were even more exciting. Weekends meant a trip in the Jeep to the mountain where you could run until you were ready to collapse.  The last time I took you on one of those runs, three wolves crossed our path and I decided we would rethink this weekend trek.

Then it happened.  I came home from work one day and the throw rugs in the entry way were askew. When I walked into the kitchen, the rugs in there were in a pile.  What on earth happened?  And where were you?  You didn't come running to the door, leash in your mouth, tail wagging.

Monday, August 11, 2014

4 Ways To Protect Yourself Against Ebola and Other Viruses

As FDR said "The only thing we have to fear itself."  I will not deny many things we fear are real and should be feared.  Fear is a lot like worry.  95% of what we worry about, never happens. Fear is much the same.

We fear failure - so we don't try.  We fear relationships - so we seclude ourselves.  We fear weight gain - so we eat less than we should.  We fear our children might be abused or bullied - we shelter them to the point we instill fear in them.  The list goes on.

There are real fears that warrant our concern and one that is sweeping the world now, is Ebola.  There is a host of articles, news casts, and posts written on this subject.  We do not have to look far to find all the information we need to understand this virus and its path to destruction.  We are warned to take precautions, especially in our decisions as to where we travel.
