Showing posts with label for better. Show all posts
Showing posts with label for better. Show all posts

Sunday, August 7, 2016

For Better, For Worse -- A Language a Dog Understands

When we think of the words "For better, for worse," we usually think of a marriage.  We say our vows on our wedding day proclaiming that we will never leave our spouse, no matter what happens.

But sometimes we don't follow through with those vows.  Sometimes, our spouse is abusive or falls out of love with us. Those words ring in our ears -- for better, for worse -- may be out of our control.

When we acquire a pet, how often don't we promise to take care of that pet, for better - for worse?

We fall in love with that puppy and look forward to many years of joy with him. BUT.....sometimes....

He has genetic problems and requires special care, which can be very expensive.

He will NOT stop barking.

He bites people.

He poops in the house.

He pees in the house.

He is left alone all day and then goes crazy when his owner comes home and becomes a pest, trying to gain full-on attention.

He isn't as cute as when he was a puppy.

He has a serious accident and requires special care for the rest of his life.

He won't behave properly so he is beaten and kicked or worse.

He is destructive when left alone.

Sometimes, rather than spend the time needed to restore the relationship, we give up.....and give that dog away.
