Showing posts with label change. Show all posts
Showing posts with label change. Show all posts

Friday, October 7, 2016

Are You the Same Person You Were a Year Ago?

Past or future
Are you the same person you were a year ago?  Have your views or opinions changed? 

There are often times in our lives when we feel like the world is crashing in around us and are overwhelmed with the drama in our lives.  There are other times when we may feel that life just couldn't get any better.  I have experienced both as many of you have as well.  

Someone dear to me jokingly often said,  "One thing is certain: If things don't change they will stay the same."  But I think you will agree that that is not true.  Everything changes. People. Circumstances. Everything.  One thing that must remain constant in our lives is our focus and our positive attitude.  This is crucial.  

Thursday, September 29, 2016

How Do You Motivate Yourself?


We all experience many types of external motivation which can look nothing like a motivational pep talk. 

Actually, most of the motivation we receive is not obvious. We rely on friends, books, family, luck, achievements and social pressures to tell us what to do and to keep us doing it.
