Friday, February 27, 2015

A Large Bully Is No Match For A Tenacious Little Girl

Recently I had the pleasure to meet three on-line friends in person and each experience was amazing. My friendship deepened with each of these women, and I know we will be life-long friends. Many of you shared your own experiences when you met your blogging or on-line friends after reading How Your Blog Can Make An Impact  and Sensational Friends You May Know.

I have also had the pleasure of connecting with Erin from my grade school years.  We were friends from Kindergarten through high school and then lost touch for four decades. After all those years, we discovered we were living in close proximity of each other - 3,000 miles from where we grew up. Every year since then, we have spent a girls' getaway weekend together to play catch-up.
@BatteredHope   Bully vs a little girl

Thursday, February 26, 2015

When You Are Forced Out Of Your Comfort Zone

I am not a sheep midwife.  I am neither a shepherd nor a goat herder.  I am a relatively sophisticated city girl.  I love petting the fur of a soft puppy or kitten as much as the next person.  But being kicked and pushed by filthy sheep ready to give birth is NOT my idea of a good time.
@BatteredHope #comfort zone, animals

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

How Do These 6 Professional Beggars Affect You?

How do you feel about beggars?  The definition of begging is:  To ask for something in an urgent or humble manner. 

I was eating a piece of toast this morning and my two new rescue dogs (that heartwarming tale here) were jumping up and down, begging me for a piece.  I assumed they were not taught that begging is rude.  But they are so cute and little, I let it go.  Suddenly, I had an epiphany.

I realized that I rarely, if ever, give in to begging because I have no problem saying "No."  Does that make me nasty..... or smart?  Let's look at some instances of begging and see how we feel about giving to these six types of beggars.
