Friday, October 2, 2020

If Only You Had Not Made That Mistake, Then What?

Has there ever been a time in your life where, in the heat of the moment, you would have literally sold your soul for a different outcome if it was an actual possibility and not just a phrase?

Like the time my doctor told me I had cancer and without a hysterectomy, I would die?  Instead of accepting his diagnosis, I chose to challenge him and refuse treatment.  I wish I did not have to go through all those years of pain but I cured myself and 40 years later am healthier than ever.


Like the time my husband decided to throw himself on the mercy of the court and plead guilty to a crime he was innocent in hopes that the judge would realize the only witness we had to prove our case committed suicide before we went to trial?  If only, we had known hubby would go to prison resulting in that bad decision.
Loss of child

Or the time we didn't run away because after having our baby for a full year the birth mother decided she wanted him back?  We wanted to run away -- what if we had?  Would we still have our son?

Battered Hope

What about the time I took a different route home from work and was gang-raped and left for dead?  Do I wish I had not made that mistake?

Loss of Family

Or one of my deepest hurts is when, over nine years ago, our precious son said he never wanted to see us again and we thought he was joking?  Only the day before he had shared how much he loved us and then in a moment he and his wife and two babies walked out of our lives and we have not seen them since.  Do I wish I had run after him and asked him why?

Escaping authorities

Or the time when we had to run for our lives.....because we made a mistake?  That cost us dearly and we are still paying for it.  If only.......

 Suicide Prevention

Or the time when hubby was on the 19th-floor balcony railing in South Africa ready to jump and the sound of the phone ringing stopped him? I was able to talk him down. 


Often in the heat of the moment, we make stupid mistakes.  We say things we cannot take back.  It is how we deal with these moments that form us into the kind of person we want to be.  It is these moments when we share them with others, we can help others in their own situations.

That is the underlying message in my book. It is a gripping story, written as a novel, and will draw you into it as if you were living it yourself. It will show you that no matter what happens in your life, it is your attitude towards yourself and others that make or break you.

Have you had any similar thoughts - or experiences?


  1. WOW - - Yes, I have similar stories that parallel with your comments and statements above. I've always said, "the mindset is a powerful thing" and there are consequences to the choices made regardless of the whens or the whys.

    I'm thankful today I am stronger for walking the journey I have walked.And like you, my oldest daughter walked out of my life eight years ago. I have yet to hear her why's, hear her voice or even lay my eyes on her. I have been on my death bed on multiple occassions and still nothing...yes, my heart is shattered by her decision to live her life with out me in it, but I have to keep moving forward. Yes, there are days it would all be easier to put my head in the sand, but that's not me...

    I'm a survivor. I am resilient. And life matters...

    Thanks for sharing. Looking forward to reading your book!

    1. Thank you for sharing your story and I think we have much in common. I look forward to connecting with you and hearing your story.

  2. As humans, we all make mistakes. We must learn from those mistakes and move on with our life. - Jojo Reyes Jr

    1. Yes, I agree. That is why I wrote my memoir and started my talk show. I never looked at these things as stumbling blocks - but, rather as stepping stones.

  3. I don't have anything quite so life-changing. But your book sounds really interesting and powerful. THank you for sharing your story!

    1. Thank you -- you would love the book. It's written as a suspenseful novel

  4. I loved your book so much, Carol, and am still amazed to this day what terrible situations you faced, yet came through it all. I think it's time for a reread!

  5. My grandson had some major mistakes but he turned down the right road and never looked back. It could have been heartbreaking but he leqn s from his mistakes.


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