What's it like to leave your dirty
dishes and clothes around the house knowing that someone is going to
pick them up for you?
What's it like to come home from work
and sit down to a home-cooked meal with all the trimmings?
Further, what's it like to eat your
meal and then relax on the sofa while someone does the dishes and
cleans the kitchen?
What's it like to open your dresser drawer and have clean socks?
What's it like to go to your closet and
your shirts are pressed?
What's it like to go to the kitchen
cupboard (instead of the store) and decide which snack you want?
Further still...what's it like knowing the same someone that prepared your meal worked all
day at her full time job?
And what's it like to receive the
benefits of the extra income?
What's it like to go to the bank and
withdraw funds knowing that all the bills have been paid and what is
left in the bank is at your disposal?
I have decided that the only way I will
ever know what it's like is if......................
P. S. I'm not complaining -- just wondering. My hubby of 42 years is disabled from a car accident and he knows I wrote this!
Photos courtesy of dementiajourneys.com,womenconomicrights.woodpress
I get myself a wife!
Anybody out there know what it's like?
P. S. I'm not complaining -- just wondering. My hubby of 42 years is disabled from a car accident and he knows I wrote this!
Photos courtesy of dementiajourneys.com,womenconomicrights.woodpress
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