Showing posts with label hard work. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hard work. Show all posts

Friday, January 15, 2016

Go Ahead! Make My Day!

Have you ever wanted to say something when you observed bad behavior in a public place?  Ever take the plunge and open your mouth to encourage a stranger who needed it?

It had been an exceptionally long day.   The summer heat was close to unbearable. It was my third day in a row that I had risen at 4:15 A.M. to travel to the city by ferry.  I was on my way home and missed the ferry by a few minutes.  I decided to have some dinner as the wait would be two hours for the next boat.

It was a long walk to the closest restaurant and I hoped the food would give me the energy for the walk back to my car.  I stopped at a little fish 'n chips place.  It was packed with only one table
available.  I grabbed it and realized how much hotter it was inside, but it felt good to sit down.
do something nice for a stranger

Only One Waitress.  I couldn't believe it.  Ceiling fans were the only source of moving air and I was relieved to be sitting under one of them.

"Miss!  I need you to turn down those fans as they are much too drafty!"  The 'lady' in the booth next to mine demanded.
