Showing posts with label non-GMO. Show all posts
Showing posts with label non-GMO. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

What is the World's Greatest Con Job - #2 - Test your Vitamins

Is there a difference between types of vitamins?  Most definitely!  Is there a way to determine these differences?  Most definitely! The purpose of this series of posts is to bring some understanding to the choices you have when purchasing vitamins.

First of all, let's recap last week's post.  There are three types of vitamins:  synthetic, natural altered and natural unaltered.

This is the very basic part of deciding what vitamins to buy and there are many other factors that come into play.  Even if the average consumer knows of the three different types there are to choose from, how do you determine which is which?  If you have not read the first post please do so here. It explains the difference.

food supplements, con job, health, natural
