Showing posts with label menopause. Show all posts
Showing posts with label menopause. Show all posts

Thursday, January 28, 2016

My Cancer Diagnosis was the Best Thing that Ever Happened To Me

When the doctor said "You have two choices, hysterectomy or death,"  it made me angry.  I was only in my twenties and wanted children.  I certainly could not have them if I had the surgery or was DEAD!  Something inside of me rose up and I replied, "Doctor,  I will not accept that diagnosis.  I...WILL....WALK...IN...HERE...PREGNANT....ONE....DAY."  

The doctor rose up from his chair and pointed his finger in my face, "Then, lady, GO HOME. SUFFER.  AND DIE!"

Motivated like never before, within three weeks my life took an abrupt turn and I discovered answers to healthy living. Fourteen years later I walked into his office.....pregnant.  As a certified health coach and symptomologist, I have spent the last four decades guiding people to optimum health -- including helping hundreds of women get pregnant when there was no hope.

Have you ever thought about what it would feel like to wake up feeling great every day?  To feel rested?  To feel healthy?  To feel energized?

What would you give to feel that way every single day?  Maybe you already do and if you do, you are one in a million.  Many people wake up tired, achy or just a bit 'off.'  They shuffle to the kitchen for their first cup to get them through the morning.

What would it be like to have an energy level greater than people half your age?  And that energy being true energy -- not from a cup of coffee or energy booster of some type.

Breezing through Menopause

Monday, July 20, 2015

To Flash or Not to HOT Flash - That is the Question

Hot flashes.  Dry skin.  Night Sweats.  Insomnia.  Mood swings. Hair loss.  Memory loss.   It has been suggested that Baby Boomer's hot flashes are causing Global Warming!

Sound familiar?  There are many posts written about menopause. Most of them are humorous yet packed with information on how to survive the numerous symptoms and body changes. 

I beg you not to roll your eyes at me but when I read and comment on these posts, I feel ostracized as if I am some kind of weirdo or liar.  I am told I am one of the "lucky" ones.  I am acutely aware of the list of symptoms that are common to menopausal women.  I often wondered why we don't find posts about women who have not had to deal with these negatives.  Do some women bypass them or could there be another reason?
